Marty's Story - Part 1

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“God, I’m starving,” I groaned as I lied across the booth dramatically holding my stomach. Topher stared at me muttering something about me being a toddler. It wasn’t my fault I hadn’t eaten all day. I had been in rehearsal for Company for what felt like forever. Mrs. Watts, the theater director, was trying to kill us. I swear if I had to sing “Company” one more time, I would stab my eyes out.

“The waitress is coming soon,” Topher replied glancing at his watch. “You know Daye’s party is starting in like another hour.”

I rolled my eyes, groaning loudly. “ Ah fuck Daye’s party. I’m not going.”

“Well excuse me,” Topher smirked. “I thought you were trying to be nice to him.”

“Keyword trying,” I muttered folding my arms across my chest. “He’s always giving me these accusatory glances. Every time I even talk to Jackson he gives me the stink eye. He hates me. Hell, he wouldn’t care if I didn’t go.”

“If he didn’t want you there he wouldn’t have invited you,” Topher huffed as if it was the simplest thing in the world. I chuckled at that. Topher didn’t understand the concept of our frenemy relationship. Daye’s meanness is always sneaky. He’ll smile in my face, but talk shit behind my back. But then again, he was always like that.

“You obviously don’t know Daye,” I sat up in the booth. “He wouldn’t uninvite me to his party. That’s childish. That’s like unfriending me on Facebook. Daye is a sneaky bitch. He’s probably got some well thought out Carrie prom scene waiting for me.”

“You watch way too many movies,” he smirked shaking his head as our waitress came over. I was pretty sure she went to our school. I glanced at her nametag –Delia – Sounds familiar. She immediately recognized Topher, smiling and giggling at him like some prima donna. She was flirting way too much for me. I could smell the desperation.

“You were amazing last night,” she said running her hand across his shoulder. “When you dunked that shot! Amazing! I swear you’ll like make it to the NBA! You’d be great!”

“Oh I don’t know about that,” Topher smiled getting all bashful like he always does. I rolled my eyes, unamused by this fangirl.

“You know what else would be great?” I chimed in. Delia glanced over at me.

“What?” She asked flipping her hair out of her face.

“A cheeseburger, fries and a coke,” I muttered. Topher shook his head at me, as Delia pulled out her notepad writing it down.

“Oh I’m fine,” Topher remarked.

“I know you are,” she retorted winking at him as she walked away. What is it with these girls? There like cats in heat or something. It was like every time Topher and I went somewhere there were crowds of chicks trying to get his phone number. Ever since he broke up with Victoria, it’s like he’s become bachelor number one.

“You know she’s probably going to spit in your burger,” Topher chuckled.

“I’m willing to take that risk,” I huffed. “I’m sure people have done worst things to our food that we don’t even know about. I mean who does she think she is coming over like that? Oh my god, you were so great, Topher. Amazing. You’d totally make it to the NBA. Oh brother.”

Topher laughed shaking his head at me. “You’re so mean. So mean. She’s a nice girl.”

“Nice? What is that straight guy talk for I’d totally bang her?” I retorted. Topher glanced back at the register at her for a minute or two. I rolled my eyes. Was he really considering it?

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