Chapter 47

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Sydney rolled her eyes playfully before pointing to another ring with a silver band and a round cut diamond, "She would like that one. Silver is better, not the gold, it doesn't go with her outfits."

"That's true." He mumbled, handing her a pen to circle the rings with, "Do you think she'd like the ones I have picked?"

"I think she would. Maybe you should narrow down your choices." Sydney smiled, Jack nodding with her. "I was thinking mainly about this one," He said, pointing to the simple diamond ring. It had a diamond on the very front and the band was lined in smaller diamonds. "Oh, wow.." Sydney whispered, trailing off. "It's so beautiful. She would love it."

"Who'd love what?" Pandora yawned, walking into the kitchen. Mark's eyes grew wide as he picked up the magazine and threw it behind Sydney, stuttering, "Uh.."

"You would love to go to my parents for a visit." Sydney replied quickly, pinching Mark's arm lightly. "Oh yeah! I'd love that!" She said eyeing Mark suspiciously, "Can we do that?"

"Of course, Sydney and Jack are supposed to be visiting soon anyways." Mark replied, pulling Pandora into his arms. "Woo!" She smiled, closing her eyes as her head hit his chest, becoming tired again, "I feel bad still."

"Maybe you should get some more sleep." Mark replied, running his fingers through her hair. "I'll be fine." She muttered, slowly wrapping her arms around his waist. "You need sleep." He whispered, kissing her head. "Yeah but.." she paused, a yawn leaving her lips again, "I don't want to." She said, stubbornly, like always. "Go to bed or I wont let you go to see my parents with me." Sydney smirked, half joking.

"But what if i don't wanna?" She whined, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." She started, "And if I go now, I wont sleep later." She lied. "You won't sleep later anyways." Mark whispered, squeezing her. "Hush." She muttered, "They don't need to know that." She lightly joked. "Know what?" Seam asked curiously, tilting his head like a puppy. Sydney grinned, watching her boyfriend. "Nothinggg." She stated, dragging the 'g' out. Sydney rolled her eyes as Jack pouted. "It's already 9:30. How about you head to bed and I'll be up there in a few minutes? I just need to talk to Sean and Syd about a few things." Mark tried to bargain with her. "Okay sure." She muttered, "Night guys," she said walking out of the kitchen. Mark watched her, making sure she went to their room and not trying to listen to their conversation.

"So," Sydney started, resting her head on Jack's shoulder. "What do I do? You clearly can see she's gonna refuse going to the doctor." Mark huffed. "Tell her that I'm going for a check up, then it actually be an appointment for her." Sydney suggested, running her fingers through her hair. "Wouldn't you have to take her then?" Mark asks. "We could all go. We could go when I actually have an appointment, that way she could go with me after." She shrugged, Sean's arms wrapped around her waist with his hands on her stomach. Mark slowly nodded, "Smart. Very smart." He started, "Hopefully shell buy it."

"I dont know, I do feel kinda bad about lying." Sydney mumbled, Jack nodding. "Would you rather lie to her and get her help or not lie and her possibly die from lack of sleep?" He asked, getting kinda snappy, "Because I know what I want."  Sydney kept her mouth shut, clenching her jaw lightly. Sean quickly pulled Sydney up, holding on to her waist gently, "Let's go to bed, hon. You need your sleep, too." He mumbled, trying to avoid an argument.

"I want what's good for her, but I don't like lying about it. You don't have to get snappy, you fucking dickhead." Sydney nearly hissed, her jaw and fingers tightly clenched. "I'm sorry." He muttered, "I didn't mean for it to sound that way.. I-I just don't know what'd I do if I lost her." Mark mumbled, playing with his fingers. "Yeah, I know." Sydney mumbled, "I'm going to head to bed." She whispered, kissing Jack on the cheek. "I'll be up later, okay?" Sean murmured, kissing her forehead. She nodded, heading up the stairs.

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