Chapter 17

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"Shit. No! Fuck! Goddammit!" Sean shouted as the cops chased him and Mark on Grand Theft Auto. "Good going Sean!" Mark grunted as Sean drove the get away car. "It's not my fault!" Sean defended. "The hell it isn't! Bullshit! We both know it is! You just had to steal that cop car, you moron!"

"Not to be a party killer, but can we agree it's both of your faults?" Pandora laughed. "Agreed." Sydney agreed with her blonde best friend. The two males shot them glares. "Oh come on! You both know it's true." Sydney commented. "Guys." Pandora said, but the two males was two intrigued by the game to notice. "Guyssss." Sydney dragged on, trying to get their attention as well. "Fucking hell." Pandora grumbled as she stood up.

She walked over to the power plug before jerking the extension cord,that had the Xbox plugged into it, out of the wall. "What the hell?!" Mark said as he jumped up. Pandora ignored him as she walked back over to her seat and sat down. "What's wrong?" He asked. She ignored him once more. "Sydney?" Sean asked, but she just turned her head from him. Mark walked over before weaseling his way in between Pandora and Sean. He pulled her into his lap, squeezing her tightly. "Talk to me." He whispered huskily into her ear.

"We're bored and you're playing video games that doesn't interest us." She finally broke and told them. "Well what can we do that will interest you?" Sean asked. "I dunno." Sydney sighed. "Well, we could all go swimming!" Mark suggested, turning to face everyone. Sydney instantly went pale, her eyes going wide. "Yeah!" Pandora yelled in excitement. "I-I think I'll pass." Sydney stated.

Pandora and Mark looked at her confused. "She.. Hasn't been feeling well lately." Sean said, the confusing from Pandora and Mark's faces immediately passed. Pandora looked toward Sean. He just stared back at her before letting a sigh out.

Sydney stood up quickly. "I'll be back." She whispered, quickly walking into the kitchen. Pandora watched Sydney walk out of the room before directing her eyes back to Sean. "Sean, you're not telling us something." She whispered as she scooted closer to him, "What's wrong with my best friend?" She asked quietly. Sean swallowed down hard before whispering. "You should go speak to her."

Pandora huffed before standing up off of the couch. She traced the steps that Sydney had previously taken into the kitchen. "Syd?" Pandora asked as she walked next to the brunette. Sydney quickly wiped under her eyes, glancing up at her blonde friend. "Yes?" She choked out, sniffling. "What's wrong?" She asked as she brought the girl into her arms, "Don't lie to me either Sydney."

"It doesn't matter." Sydney whispered. "It does matter, now tell me what's wrong." She said as she hugged her tighter. "I'm gonna ask Sean if you don't tell me, Syd."

Sydney huffed as she rested her forehead on Pandora's shoulder. "I've been depressed lately.." She murmured. "What?" She asked shocked. She swallowed hard. "I've been depressed." Sydney said, speaking a little louder and clearer. "No no. I heard you the first time. What's wrong? Like, do you know why?" She asked. Sydney shook her head. "Have you been to a doctor?" She fired another question at her.

"No. I haven't. I don't plan on it."

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