Chapter 28

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"Then go fucking do something!"

"You and I both know she won't stay, Sydney." He growled back as he hastily wiped his face. "I'm sorry that this shit is happening, but don't be an asshole."

"I'm sorry." He whispered, "I'm so sorry. It's just hard. So fucking hard, Sydney." He finished. Pandora walked down the stairs, now wearing a pair of skinny jeans and one of Marks hoodies. "You don't mind if I wear this?" She asked, "If you do, I'll take it off. Not a big deal. Just thought I'd have something of yours for a few days." Mark just looked down, not saying anything. "Mark please.. Talk to me." She whispered, "I'm trying to do what's best and you're making it so much harder than it needs to be."

"Fight for her man." Sean whispered from beside him, "Don't let her go that easy."

"This is not what's best, Pandora!" Mark growled. "You're running from this problem! Do you realize that?"

"I didn't say fight with her, I said fight for her." Sean sighed as he covered his face.

"I'm not! You and I both know since Michael has came back, we've done nothing but fight!" She hissed back, now standing in front of the brunette. "Then it's his fault!" Mark yelled. "Stop throwing blame around!" She yelled at him, "Stop it! I'm tired of this! I'm done with this, Mark." Pandora hissed, "Why can you stop arguing for one minute and just listen?" She shouted.

"Me?! I'm the only one?!" He laughed. "I haven't thrown blame around. And yeah you're the only one. I've tried listening to you and when I make this decision, that's when you want to listen?!" She sarcastically laughed.

"You know what? Go! Fucking go! Fuck you!" Mark growled, turning and walking up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

"Fine! Don't expect me to return." She yelled after him. Pandora grabbed her keys from the counter, dragging her suitcase behind her. "Will one of you give this to him?" She asked as she stood in front of Sydney and Sean, holding out a ring Mark had gotten her for their anniversary. The ring she never took off, until now.

"A-are you two done?" Sean asked. "I think so." Pandora whispered back, "From what he just said, he made it clear." She finished as she made her way to the from door, "Oh! And here," she tugged off the hoodie, "This too."

Sydney stood their for a moment, muttering to herself. "Fuck." Pandora walked out the door, slamming it behind her. She tugged her suitcase to the back of her car, slowing shoving it in there.

"What do we do?" Sean asked. "No fucking clue.." Sydney mumbled. Pandora sighed as she put the car into park, staring at the house before her. She got out, leaving the case in the car. She walked to the front door, knocking. The door was immediately swung open, seeing her brothers best friend standing there. "Yes?" Michael smirked.

A growl almost escaped her lips. "Get out of the way."

"But why Pan?" He pressed, not moving, "What's wrong?" He asked, now seeing the tear marks on her cheeks. "Get out of my fucking way." She hissed, clenching her fists. "Pandora. Seriously, what's wrong?" He asked as he went to hug her, "Please. Just tell me." He begged.

Pandora pushed him away. "No. This happened over you, I'm not doing this. Get out of my way or I'll kick you in the dick."

"I didn't do anything wrong!" He hissed. "Uh, what's going on here?" Luke asked, as he walked behind his housemate. "Let me in." Pandora grumbled.

"Fine." Michael moved out of the way. "Panda, what's wrong?" Luke asked as he hugged his sister. "Luke, can I stay here for a few days?" She asked as she sobbed into his chest. "I guess, but why? Not that I care, Pan, but what happened?" Luke asked. She shook her head. "Please.."

"Pandora, you can stay, but what happened?" Luke pressed once again. "Mark." Was all that left Pandora's lips. "What did he do this time?" Luke asked as he held her closer. "He accused me of cheating with Michael." She said. "Fucking hell." Michael growled.

"Does he know nothing happened?" Michael asked as he stood next to Luke. "He first didn't believe me till I left then he told me to leave so here I am." She sobbed into Lukes chest.

"Everything okay down here?" Calum asked as him and Ashton walked down the hallway, seeing the two hugging. "No. No it's not." Luke growled. "What are you doing here?" Pandora asked as she sniffled. "Just hanging out." Ashton said, "But why are you here?"

"I needed my brother." Pandora said as she hugged him tighter, "I needed him so fucking much." Luke sighed as he slowly walked to the couch, Pandora sitting down on his lap as he hugged her, "It'll be okay, Pan." He said as he tried to comfort her.

"I don't know anymore." She whispered as she clutched onto his black shirt.

"Pandora, I know you probably hate me, but if you want me to talk to him, I will. I hate seeing you like this." Michael sighed as the boys gathered around them, sitting down. "I'm not sure that's a good idea." Pandora muttered. "Pandora, just let me try. Maybe I can straighten things out." Michael said as he rubbed his face with him hands.

"I don't think you can."

"It doesn't hurt to try." He said as he got up. "Michael, no. He hates you. And knowing you, you might say something that'll piss him off even worse." Pandora told him, "and you definitely will.." She mumbled.

"Pandora please. Trust me here." Michael begged, "Honestly, I'd love to have you back in my arms, but if you're happy with Mark, then I'm happy too I guess. I don't want to ruin that even more." He said. "I'll even go with him if you want me to." Ashton offered. "Or I can." She felt Lukes chest rumble as he spoke.

Pandora shook her head. "I said no."

"Fine." Michael said as he got up and walked down the hallways, "but if you want me to, you know where to find me."

"I honestly think you should let him." Luke said, "But that's your choice." He muttered as he moved her from his lap, but still holding on to her. "I just want to sleep.. And probably get high." She muttered.

"That won't help anything." Luke said, "it'll make it worse."

"If it numbs this pain, it'll be worth it." She whispered.

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