Chapter 40

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"Mark?" Pandora hollered, not seeing Mark around her. The two, or Pandora, fell asleep on the couch. When there was no reply, she got up and started looking around the house. "Mark?" She yelled again. She walked up the stairs, entering their room, not seeing a sign of her boyfriend anywhere.

"Yeah?" She heard quietly. "Where are you?" She whispered back. "Right.." Mark whispered,  wrapping his arms around Pandora's waist and spinning her around. "Here!"

"Why are you being so quiet?" She giggled as he pulled her into his recording room, not realizing he was recording. She placed her hands on his check, rubbing slowly. Mark smiled, pulling Pandora closer to him, "I was recording a world's quietest let's play."

"Oh!" She smiled up at him, "Are you still recording?" She whispered, looking at his camera set up.

Mark nodded, glancing at the camera then back at Pandora. "Is that okay? I can cut it out, if you want me to. "Do whatever your little heart desires." She laughed, kissing his cheek, "But I'll let you get back to whatever you was doing." She said and she playfully shoved him away, her laughing still.

"Wait, come back! Finish it with me?" He asked, giving puppy dog eyes as he reached for her. "Are you sure?" She asked, looking at her hands. "Are you sure?" She asked, looking at her hands. Mark nodded quickly. "I'm positive."

"Fineeee." She giggled as she leaned over him. "Sit down and finish your game." She smiled at him, leaning over the back of the chair. Mark sat down, spinning the chair and pulling Panda into his lap, then turning back around. "I have a guest!" Mark exclaimed in a whisper.

"Oh really? Who?" Pandora played along, placing her chin in her hand. Mark just smiled, starting to play his game again. "I didn't come in here for you to be this quiet." She quietly laughed. "It's a World's Quietest Let's play!" Mark whispered, chuckling quietly. "You ball cocking bull foot." He whispered again as he died. Pandora busted out laughing, ruining his game play, "What the hell does that even mean?" She gasped. Mark started laughing, resting his chin on Pandora's shoulder. "Exactly what I said."

She continued watching, fascinated with what her boyfriend does for a living.  "What even is this?" She whispered. She wasn't big into the gaming community, unlike her boyfriend. Mark smiled and placed a small kiss on Pandora's shoulder. "Happy Wheels."

"Ooh nice?" She said, confusion lacing her voice.   Pandora slowly reached up, pausing his game, and muting his mic. Mark looked at Pandora, confused. "D-do you think I'm gonna get hate because of this?" She motioned to her sitting on his lap and being in the video in general. Mark frowned, turning Pandora so she was facing him. "If they do, then I don't know what they're doing here. They should be happy for me, and they shouldn't hate on my beautiful girlfriend just because she's here, or at all."

"I absolutely love you." She smiled at him, kissing his lips, "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you."

Mark smiled back, nuzzling her neck lightly.  "You're my everything."

"Alright, how about i go and you finish this, then we'll go get dinner or something?" She asked, "Sound good?"

Mark pouted but nodded. "Sounds good, I guess."

"Do you want me to stay in here or something?" She laughed. "Yes, actually." He replied, holding her hips. "You're so needy." She groaned playfully, leaning into him. "Yes I am." He smiled, kissing her head. She watching his carefully, her glancing over every few minutes at him, admiring him.

Mark hid his face in Pandora's shoulder as he continued playing his game, only his eyes showing as he continued to swear quietly. "You're cute." She whispered, gripping his thigh as she moved. Mark bit his lip lightly. "You're cuter." He whispered, kissing Panda's neck. "Uh huh." She laughed, patting his cheek. Mark just smiled. "Are you almost done?" She whispered quietly, making sure the mic didn't pick her up.

"Yes." He whispered back, kissing her shoulder playfully. "Good, I'm gonna go on downstairs." She said, waving bye to the camera then exiting the room, ignoring Marks' pleads. Mark pouted but nodded, finishing up his video. "And I will see you.. In the next video.. Buh-bye!"
"Nice to see you've returned." Pandora joked as she watched him walk downstairs. "I have returned from the war!" He yelled, jumping down the last step, "My love, I have come back for you!"

Pandora just grinned as she watched the red headed man flop on the couch like a child, "Oh really? Where'd you go? Dear, I've waited so long." She giggled, playing along. "I had to fight the war of the game! I had to get back our game consoles, we could not live without them!"

"Tell me more." She smiled at him, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. "I retrieved the consoles, but there were injuries in the process. I think you need to kiss the pain away, my love."

"Where do you need kisses, darling?" She asked, puckering her lips. "Everywhere!" He exclaimed dramatically. "My heart ached for you everyday I was gone."

"Well, I missed you too." She replied, kissing his cheek, "So much," then she kissed his forehead, then down his neck, making her way to his collar bone, then below his ear, then finally making back to his lips.

Mark ran his fingers up her back, smiling into the kiss. She slowly tugged at his lip with her teeth, causing him to give out a groan. Mark slowly pushed up the back of her shirt, pressing his hands again her bare back. Pandora's hands traveled up Mark's chest, curling her fingers through his hair as they reached the top of his head, causing Mark to growl slightly.

Mark's fingers ran up Pandora's back, stopping just under her bra. "Is.. Is that okay?" He murmured against her lips, Pandora nodding in response.

Her fingers tugged at his shirt, causing Mark to pull away and slowly pull off his shirt. Their lips reattached as Mark flipped them over, his lips slowly trailing down Pandora's jaw.

She ran her fingers up his chest, gasping slightly as his teeth tugged at her skin. Pandora moaned lightly as Mark's lips turned her skin shades of purple, red, and pink.

She tugged at his hair, pulling his lips back up to hers. When they pulled away again, Pandora was straddling his lap with her fingers gently digging into his sides as she kissed the skin on his chest.

She left light marks scattered across his chest like rosy stars to match her own as he watched and groaned.

Their lips crushed together like petals in the palms of a child, and their hearts beat fast like a drummer boy on his drum set.

Pandora pulled away, her lips as swollen and red as Mark's. "Can we stop?" She whispered, her hands still resting on Mark's chest.

"Of course we can." He whispered back, pulling her close to him and resting his chin on top of her head. "I love you so much, Panda."

"I love you, too."

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