Chapter 19

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Sean sighed as he walked out of the room. Pandora chased after him, "So you don't care? You're just gonna walk away, knowing we need to do something to help her?!" She harshly whispered at him as she grabbed his arm, turning him around.

His eyes narrowed as his glare turned harsh, "I fucking care, Pandora! That's my fucking girlfriend and she doesn't need your help. I can help her a lot better than you can." He hissed. Pandora returned his glare, "Please. Explain." She sneered as she shoved his shoulder back, "That's right, you can't!" She started, "Because you know she needs me just as much as she needs you, Sean."

"That's bullshit." He started but she cut him off, "It's not! You know it." She yelled at him. "You two. Hush." Mark said as he walked up the stairs, "What the fuck is wrong with you two?!" Mark harshly whispered as his eyes scanned his best friend and girlfriends faces.

Pandora just huffed and walked downstairs.

Mark looked at his best friend before sighing, "Sean.." Mark started but Sean just held his hand up. Sean walked down the stairs. "Sydney?" He hollered, "I'm ready if you are!"

Sydney came out of the kitchen seconds later, a muffin in her hand, "But why?" She mumbled, "I was talking .." Her voice trailed down until he couldn't hear her anymore, "You got into a fight with Pands, didn't you?" She sighed. Sean remained silent as he avoided eye contact with her. "Dammit Sean.." She mumbled as she rubbed her face, "I guess lets go."

Pandora walked down the stairs right when Sydney and Sean was walking toward the door. "Bye Panda!" Sydney whispered as she hugged her best friend. Sean just shot a glare at her. "Bye Sean." She muttered to him before turning around and walking up the stairs.

"I have no clue what the hell you two were fighting over, but stop." Mark stated, "Stop fighting with him!"

"Mark, first off. You have no fucking clue what it was over. Second, shouldn't you be telling him that as well? Because as far as I know, I highly doubt you've said anything to him! Third, stop. Don't you dare come up here and tell me to do something, especially when he started it." He stared at Pandora as she ranted to him, her poking his chest each time she listed something.

"You need to calm down." Mark replied, grabbing her hands, "Pandora. Stop." He yelled at her as she fought him. "Let me go Mark." She whispered, her eyes scanning his face. He grabbed her shoulders, gently pushing her on the bed. He sat down beside her before opening his mouth, but he was cut off by Pandora.

"You fucking sit there and tell me that if that was Sean in Sydneys position that you wouldn't try and help him, whether Sydney liked it or not." Pandora hissed, "and if you tell me different, you and I both know you're fucking goddamn lying."

Mark chewed on his lip, "No. No I wouldn't."

"You're lying and you know it, Mark!" She whispered. She glared at him before grabbing her duvet and the pillow off the side of her back.

"Woah." Mark said as he grabbed her arm, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked gently. She just jerked her arm away from him, a frown covering his features. "You're not sleeping downstairs tonight, Pandora." Mark let out a slight growl.

"Watch me, Fischbach." She muttered as she walked out of their room and down the stairs. "Goddamn it, Pandora!" He yelled, "Fuck!"

She laid the blanket on the couch along with the pillow before sitting down. She knew what she needed to do, and as much as she hated it, she had to.

"Uh, Pandora? What are you doing here, darling?" Liz asked her daughter, genuinely confused. "I got into it with Mark.." She trailed off looking at the ground, "and I really need to talk to Luke, mumma." She sighed at she teared up. Liz opened the door wider, letting Pandora enter her sons house.

"Upstairs, second room on the right." She told her as she pointed up the stairs. Pandora quickly walked up the stairs, even more tears clouding her vision. She quietly knocked on the door, waiting for Luke to open it. "Pandora?" Luke asked, a confused look striking his face, "What are you doing here?"

"Can I talk to you? Please?" She ran her hand through her hair, "I need.. I need advice from you, Lukey." She cried as a tear slipped down her cheek. He quickly brought her into his arms, the big brother coming out in him. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you need, little one." He said as he clutched her hair. His hand was rubbing her back as her body shook with sobs.

"Panda, calm down.." He said as he tried to comfort her. Her sobs eventually became whimpers. "Now, tell me what's wrong." He told her as he brought her into his room, where his three best friends just happened to be sitting, along with Jack and Ben, who still haven't flown back to Australia just yet.

"Me and Mark." She started, "We kinda got into it.." She said. "And?" He pressed, knowing the attention was on his little sister who was now sitting on his unmade bed. "You know when you've been a couple for a while, you live together, then you fight?" She started. "Yeah! Like those tv couples that make the other sleep.." His eyes slowly trailed up, meeting hers, "He's making you sleep on the couch?" He muttered.

"Well, not exactly. But that's beside the point." She answered, "I just have a feeling that somethings going to happen and it's gonna hurt both of us in the end."

Luke sighed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "It'll all play out in the end."

Ben looked toward his two siblings before getting up, "He's right, Pandy." He muttered before kissing the top of her head, "I gotta go though." He gave her a small smile as he walked out the room, Jack doing the same before following him out.

"Ash, Cal, can you come help me downstairs?" Luke hinted. "Uh- sure mate." Ashton muttered before hitting Calum on the arm. The two followed the long legged boy out, leaving Michael and Pandora in the room.

"So you and Mark are into it, huh?" He whispered, her merely nodding at him. "Panda.." He started, "You can talk to me.."

"Really now?" She snapped, "because I don't even know who you are anymore, Clifford."

"For Christ sakes! I was your best friend before we dated and I can still be your best friend now!" He yelled at her, "I haven't changed." He lowly whispered, "I'm still the same guy as I was two years ago, just with less hair and more facial hair." He slightly joked, "and more knowledge to know that I'd be stupid if I let you out of my life again.."

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