Chapter 7

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"No." Mark whined as Pandora tried to wiggle out of his protective arms that was placed around her waist. "Stay." He mumbled into her neck before placing a small kiss on it. "Mark.." She started, but he just ignored her and tightened his grip. "You're not going anywhere. You're gonna stay and cuddle me." He whispered below her ear before placing a kiss below it. A sigh left her mouth as she turned over, the best she could in his grip, facing him. She placed her hands on his bare chest as she looked up at him.

"I love you." He smiled down at her. "Uh huh. Sure you do." She grumbled back, making a laugh escape his lips.

Mark sighed as he walked up the stairs to Sean and Sydneys house. Sydney was always best when it came to advice; and right now, Mark really needed it.

His knuckles knocked on the oak door. "I'm coming! Stop knocking dammit!" He heard Sydney shout. "Oh. It's just you." She huffed. "Well thanks. Feeling the love." He grumbled back.

"What was that text about Mark?" Sydney asked, finally breaking the silence. "Ha-has Pandora been acting weird lately?" He looked at her as he twiddled with his thumbs. "Like how? Mark, this is Pandora we're talking about. She's always been-"

"Not that kind of weird Syd. Like distancing herself. It took me forever just to get her to cuddle with me earlier!" He stated. Sydney looked shocked, "What exactly is she doing?"

"She's distancing herself from me. She barely talks to me anymore, Syd. She's been asleep when I come to bed-" he was cut off. "But remember you're always up playing video games until 2 and 3 in the morning." Sydney sheepishly said. Mark just glared at her before continuing, "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," he continued glaring at Sydney, who raised her hands in defense, "And it's all because that Michael guy and her family showed up."

"I dunno Mark.." She sighed. "Maybe you should give her time." Sydney sighed, "maybe she's just-" She was cut off by him. "Don't give me the time bullshit Sydney!" Mark shouted. "Calm the fuck down. You came to me Mark. Either you take what I say or you walk your happy ass out that mother fucking door." She growled.

"I came to you because you ARE my best friend." He mumbled. "But if you don't want to help me, then that's fine." He said as he stood up.

"I do want to help you." She sighed, standing as she gnawed on her bottom lip. "You just.. You know my temper gets out of hand. Especially about people I care about. I'm just trying to think of a reasonable explanation." Sydney finished as she walked closer. "I know." He sighed as he brought her in for a hug. It wasn't like that. She was like his little sister and it had always been like that. "I'm just scared something is going to change between us because of him." He mumbled.

She wrapped had arms around him gently, carefully running her hand in circles on his back. "I know." She muttered, letting out a quiet sigh. "But if you really think something is wrong, talk to her about it, Marky." She whispered.

"I would Syd. But she hasn't been home. She hasn't been home since early this morning; when she said she 'had to do something'" he said, using his fingers as quotations in certain spots. "I feel like it's falling apart and there isn't anything I can do to stop it." He whispered as he rested his head on hers. There was a long pause before anyone spoke, Mark breaking the silence.

"I-I'll talk to her.."

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