Chapter 1

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*pic of Mark*

*mark is markiplier. i know he's 27 but for the book, he is 23.*

"This happened when exactly?" Pandora asked her agent who was telling her about some shoot that she had no clue about. "About two months ago," he started, "before you joined with us, darling." Pandora nodded. "Can.. Can I go now Miles?" She asked. He nodded before shooing his hand.

She grabbed her floral backpack before slinging it over her shoulders and rushing out of the room. Her boyfriend, Mark, was waiting outside of the room. "Hey." She breathed as he laced her hand with his. He kissed the top of her forehead before smiling down at her.

"So I was thinking.." Mark started. The two of them was walking in downtown LA. Their apartment that they shared wasn't too far from her agency, so the two of them had walked down there. "How about we going bowling or something? Sean is in town. We could invite him." Pandora blue headed boyfriend blubbered out as he swung their intertwined hands back and forth.

"Let me guess. You already made plans with Sean and you want to drag me along." She laughed, "Am I right?"

Mark sheepishly nodded before letting out one of his deep laughs. The two of the walked a little farther before Sean had actually met up with the two of them. Pandora had met Sean when she met Mark, almost 3 years ago.

"Sean! Stop!" Pandora laughed as he kept stepping on the back of Pandoras shoes. He was walking behind Pandora and Mark, with his girlfriend Sydney.

Sydney was a close friend of Pandoras. With her hair being a dark shade of brown that matched her eyes so perfectly, she looked amazing with Sean. They were truly perfect for each other.

Pandora and Sydney wouldn't admit it though. They both fought, acted like an old married couple, and sometimes made their boyfriend jealous with how much time they spent together, but that's what made their friend ship. They were truly the definition of best friends.

Sean and Sydney had their hands intertwined as they walked down the street, the two of them giggling as Sean picked on Pandora. "Sean!" Pandora giggled as she ran in front of Mark. "Babe! Quit picking on the baby." Sydney said as she comforted her best friend. The four best friends continued walking down the street, laughing at stupid things.

But one voice she hasn't heard in a long time, slowly brought their happiness down, especially Pandoras.

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