Chapter 21

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"Put aside your goddamn shit and just ask her, Pandora!" Mark shouted at Pandora. "She's avoiding me, Mark! Haven't you noticed that when they're around Sean just glares at me and Sydney ignores me?!"

Mark huffed at his blonde girlfriend, "I clearly see that; but still. You need to talk to her." Pandora shrugged, "I've done something to piss her off." A knock on the door caused their head to snap toward the door. "For fuck sake.." Mark grumbled as he opened the door.

"We can hear you all the way outside.." Luke stated, "What's going on?" Pandora put her jaw line out of place before sighing, "Nothing. Just Mark trying to be reasonable, but it's not working." She said, emphasizing the not. Mark let out a growl, "You're just not being rational, Pandora!" He shouted after her as she walked into the kitchen. "Me not being rational? Never!" She sarcastically yelled back.

She walked back out, a water bottle in her tiny hands, "Don't you have to film or something? Pretty sure Ken texted and told you 1:30." Pandora raised her eyebrows at him. "Shit." Mark groaned. walked over to Pandora, placed a kiss on her forehead, mumbling an 'I love you.' before running upstairs. "Uh huh." She muttered back as her eyes watched him close the door behind him before hearing a 'Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to..'

"What the hell was that?" Luke asked as he sat on the couch. "Normal."

"Normal?" Ashton asked. "Normal." She confirmed, "that's all it's been lately." She sighed. "And on top of that, my best friend is pissed at me and I can't figure out why."

"Oh." Calum frowned, "Well what have you done?" He asked. "I may have gotten into a fight with her boyfriend," she started, "but technically, it wasn't my fault." Calum shook his head before sighing. He grabbed the Xbox controller as he pushed the middle button, turning the console on.

"Ah shit!" Pandora heard from upstairs then a thump. All she could heard was Ken and someone else laughing from the Skype call and Mark groaning. "Ugh." She grunted as she got up and walked to the bottom of the stairs. She could feel the boys eyes burning on her back. "Mark! Are you okay?" She yelled, trying to keep her giggles in. When she didn't get a reply, she walked up the stairs and opened the door to see Mark lying on the ground. A laugh escaped her lips as she walked in the room, "M-Mark?" She panted as even more giggles escaped, "W-what happened?"

"I fell." He grunted before holding his hand out, "help me up?" He asked. Laughter rang out from his computer, making a small smile form on her lips. She held her hand out, him immediately latching on. "Thanks." She nodded, before sitting down at his computer, clicking on the skype button, revealing Ken and Felix's face. "If I ask, he won't tell me. Why did he fall?" She asked another round of laughs going throughout the group. "He got jump scared and it caught him off guard." Ken answered. She nodded before looking up at the newly red headed man, who was standing behind the chair. "You boys and your games." She sighed as she got up. She quickly waved to the two on skype then making her way out of the room.

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