Chapter 46

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"Oh wow." Pandora heard a few mutters behind her, "You like?" She asked. "Yeah." She heard Ken call back to her as she opened the front door. "Everything's labeled and organized so if you could put them in their designated spots, that'd be great." She smiled causing the others to nod.

"You sound like a school teacher that's saying I'm saying I'm giving you an option, but I'm really not'." Sydney laughed softly. "Maybe it's my new calling." Pandora joked as she grabbed a box, "And Syd, don't worry about grabbing anything. You don't have to." She smiled. "I'll help." Sydney smiled, starting to pick up a box. "Babe, maybe you shouldn't." Jack stated, walking over to her.

"I agree." Mark said, removing the box away from her, "You could help Panda start unpacking if you wanna help." He said, looking between the two females. Sydney pouted but nodded, Sean kissing her on her head.

"Good. Now go." Mark said, giving the two a shove as everyone started to grab a box, mainly the males, as they told their girlfriends or wives to go on inside as well. "Fine by us, we'll be laughing while you do the heavy lifting!" Sydney exclaimed, Pandora nodding and laughing. "Yeah, but we'll be buff and everything by the time it's over." He argued back, causing Pandora to roll her eyes. "You're already buff," she started, grabbing his bicep, "and even if you wasn't, I'd still love you the same." She finished, "But it's also great that you are because being wrapped in your arms is an amazing feeling." She added.

"I try." He replied, pulling her into his arms. "If you two love birds are done, can we please get to it?" Sean asked, gagging jokingly. "I guess." Pandora groaned, removing herself from his arms as she watched them start carrying the first few boxes inside.

"Syd!" Pandora mumbled as she stood next to her, still watching them. "Hmm?" She murmured, not pasting much attention as she watched her boyfriend. "This feels so weird." She muttered, "Mark and I, we have a house now. We no longer have a few apartments down from each other now. We have a whole street or two." She frowned.

"It is kind of weird, but we knew it would happen eventually, we can't stay super close for the rest of our lives." She mumbled, her head tilted slightly. "Well I mean we can." Pandora laughed, "I guess it just happened sooner than we wanted." Sydney half smiled. "I guess you're right."

"But hey! We have extra rooms and you guys can stay over!" Pandora squealed as she walked inside. She laughed lightly, following Pandora. "That's true."
Hours later, almost everything had been sorted and things put together.

"Such a long day.." Pandora muttered as they watched the flat screen that was now mounted on the wall, instead of on its original stand. She stretched, yawning. "I'm so ready for bed." She mumbled, laying her head in Marks lap. Mark ran his fingers through her hair gently, kissing her forehead. "I think we're gonna head out," Ken mumbled as he stood up, Mary following. Nate and Morgan following and agreeing and leaving moments later.

"Maybe we should, too.." Sydney trailed off, Jack's arms enclosed around her. "You don't have to go." Pandora spoke up, closing her eyes at the feeling of Mark playing with her hair. Sydney half smiled as Sean spoke, "You look tired, we don't want to keep you awake."

"I'm always tired, what are you talking about?" Pandora joked. "True." Mark quietly agreed. Sydney laughed lightly, "That's true."

"You could always stay in the guest room." Panda offered, "I mean, you don't have to. I'm sure your bed is more comfortable than the guest bedrooms." She lightly laughed. "Are you sure we won't bother you?" Sydney asked, playing with Sean's fingers. "Positive." Mark said, "She wouldn't have offered if you were going to bother us."

"I guess that's true.." Sydney mumbled, half grinning. "Oh look, there's Felix." Pandora muttered, holding on eye open, pointing to the screen where he was on the news for 'Scare Pewdiepie'. Sydney rested her head on Sean's shoulder, her eyes on the TV. "I'm hungry, but I just want to go to bed." Pandora said. "Eat in bed." Sydney mumbled, Sean nodding in agreement. "But it'll get crumbs or something in my bed." She grunted.

"Then don't eat in your bed," Sydney yawned, stretching a little, "but I'm hungry, so I'll probably order a pizza or something."

"Order two." Mark whispered, "No, three. Leftovers for tomorrow."

"Sounds good." Sydney spoke, standing up and stretching again, "Don't you dare say feels good." She mumbled as she walked past Pandora. "I wasn't going to." She pouted, "Okay maybe I was." She admitted when she saw the look Mark was giving her. Jack laughed, causing a smile to stretch across Sydney's face. "Don't laugh at me." Pandora grunted as she slowly fell asleep, leaving the three friends to talk.

"The pizza should be here in about 15 minutes." Sydney spoke, walking over and sitting in Sean's lap. "I honestly don't want to wake her up." Mark said looking at his girlfriend, who was now sleeping peacefully, "This is the first time she's sleeping properly in days.." he started, "She keeps waking up during the night and can't fall back asleep. She's only been getting about two hours a night." He muttered, running his hand through her hair softly. Sydney frowned, Jack's expression matching. "Why?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. "I don't know." He softly admitted, "We both know it's not normal, but she refuses to go to the doctor."

Sydney sighed, dropping her head back. "What?" Mark asked, looking at her. "Nothing." She mumbled, the door bell ringing cutting her off. "What's wrong with her?" He asked Jack as she got the door. "She's worried." Jack stated simply, Sydney paying the delivery boy and coming back with three boxes of pizza. "About?" He asked, pushing, "Just set them in kitchen, you know where the plates are." Mark hollered to her before continuing to talk to Jack. "Panda." He spoke again, standing up to walk into the kitchen. "She doesn't need to be. I'm going to make her go." Mark whispered to Jack as he slowly slid Pandora off his lap, following. "She still is." He mumbled, kissing the back of Sydney's head before grabbing a couple slices of pizza. "I shouldn't have said anything. I know you guys got a lot on your plates right now." Mark sighed.

"It's okay. We can handle it." Sean replied, Sydney staying silent as she ate her pizza. "Here." Mark said as he pulled out a magazine from the cub board, "Pandora doesn't know i have it. Her boss gave it to me." He smiled, "She's in it and it's perfect." He said handing Sydney the magazine that had his girlfriend in it in a wedding dress. It was a wedding magazine, full of rings and different dresses. Sydney half smiled,wiping off her hands, opening it up and flipping through the pages.

"Shit." Mark whispered, noticing Sydney and Sean was now on a page that had several rings circled, but didn't say anything. Jack grinned, keeping his mouth shut as Sydney smiled, pointing at a silver ring with a princess cut diamond and speaking, "She'd like that one.", then turning to another page. "W-what?" He stuttered, his face turning a deep shade of red, "I have no clue why you're saying that. It's not like I'm going to propose to her." He rambled, his face turning as dark as his freshly dyed hair. Sydney just shrugged innocently, staying quiet. "Any others you think she'd like?" He muttered as he sat at the table, in front of Sydney, causing a smirk to appear on her face.

"Maybe." She grinned. "C'mon Syd! You're her best friend." Mark whined, "You'd know exactly what she wants or wanted." He complained, "Please?"

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