Chapter 22

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"I'll be back later." Pandora whispered to Mark who was still filming with his friends. "Alright. I'll see you when you get back." He smiled at her before screaming at Felix.

"Let's go." She motioned toward the door, seeing the four lads on sitting on the couch on their phones. Ashton was the first go stand up, the other three following. "So, where are we going?" Pandora asked the four as they got into her car. "We-" Luke manically smiled, "are going to have fun tonight."

"How? No bars for me, Luke. Still underage." Pandora sighed. "Panda, sweetie, you know, you're right, but we're a band." Ashton reminded her as she turned the car on. "Whatever." She groaned. "Cheer up! You're now going to a bar." Calum smirked. "But I'm not drinking. You guys will get shit faced and you have to have a way back." Pandora sighed. "True." Michael shrugged. "Thank god we have you." Luke laughed as he clamped his hands on her shoulders. "Fucking hell Luke! I'm trying to drive here!" Luke let out a slight snort. "Sorry, sorry."

"Just shut up." She grunted as she flicked the radio on. Some mainstream music blasted through the car, making her groan. "If Mark doesn't fucking leave my radio alone, I'm going to kill him."

Luke pursed his lips while the other boys snickered. "Why was he driving your car?" Luke asked. "His locked his keys in his car at Ryan and Matts house and i had picked him up and he had to drive mine till we got the keys out, which took like 4 days."

"Idiot." Ashton snorted, "How the hell do you lock your keys in your car?"

"Ask Mark." Is all Pandora said. "He's not that much of an idiot." Muttered Michael, his face flushing slightly. "Why do you say that?" Calum asked, looking over and the red haired boy.

"I locked my keys in my car." He murmured, just loud enough for the car to hear. Pandora snorted, "I remember that!" She started, "I had to come and pick you up." She finished as she rekindled the memory.

All the boys started laughing, Michael sitting there, his face almost as red as his hair.

"Here!" Ashton pointed to the bar. "The 'Nice Guy'?" Pandora furrowed her eyebrows, "Never heard of that before."

A smirk formed on Calum's face. "Oh, tonight is going to be fun."

"Please. Don't get into any fights." Pandora pleaded, "I'd rather not have to kick someone's ass. Probably yours." All the guys glanced around at each other before stating simultaneously, "No promises."

"You better fucking promise or you'll be in jail." She said as she raised her eyebrows at them. She placed the car in park before getting out, the other following her actions. They all started walking toward the entrance, Luke flashing an award winning smile at the guard, who just unhitched the velvet rope from the hook, letting them in.

Paparazzi was swarming around the building snapping photos, just like fans were. The bass was thumping and waves of people was grinding on the dance floor. Almost immediately, the boys had spread out through the bar, leaving Pandora by herself.

'Maybe a shot or two wouldn't hurt.' She thought to herself.
Pandora was drunk. Absolutely out of it. Her head was spinning and her vision was foggy as she danced on the bar.

"I think we should get her home." She heard a voice tell someone else. "I agree." The stranger replied. "I think she's here with her brother. Syd, do you mind finding them? Hopefully, they aren't too drunk."

"Dear God, let's hope so." Sydney replied, weaving her way through the crowd of dancing, sweaty, horny people. "Sydney, right?" Luke asked as he saw the petite brunette making her way over to the four. "Yeah. Sydney. You four, need to come with me. Now." She all but growled, her voice loud even over the music.

"But why?" Michael slurred. It was obvious he was the drunkest out of all of them. "Because your sister," She started, pushing her hand against Luke's shoulder. "Is dancing on the bar, half naked. You fucking dipshits." She finished, smacking the back of all their heads. "And that's our fault how?" Luke asked as he stood up, his height towering over her. He motioned for the rest of the lads to follow him.

"You are the ones who took her here, maybe if you would have kept an eye on her like a good brother, she wouldn't be like this." She glared, her statement pointed towards Luke. "And you," She started, turning her attention to Michael. "If you're still trying to win her back, you have no fucking chance if you act like this." She moved over to Ashton. "I'm absolutely disappointed in you. From what I've heard from Pandora, you were the most reliable. Guess she can't say that now." She frowned, before turning to Calum. "You. You and Luke are in the same category now. Shitty people who mean a lot to her. Now let's go." She hissed. She whipped around, the four following her, glares and scowls covering their faces.

Sean had Pandora outside in the passenger seat in his car. "I can drive them home in her car if you want me to. Or you can." Sean offered. Sydney almost growled. "I'll drive them home. We need to have a chat."

"Alright. I'll see you when you get home." Sean smiled at his beautiful girlfriend, placing a small kiss on her temple as he handed her Pandora's keys. "Let's go. Now." She hissed at the four, who still was glaring at her. Sydney walked to the car, getting in the drivers side before locking the passenger door. "All of you in the back."

"But there isn't enough room." Calum growled. "Does it look like I fucking care?" She hissed. "Get in or I'll leave you here for your fans to see you like pissed off toddlers." They let out small growls before piling into the small vehicle. "Why couldn't your boyfriend or whatever the hell he is, take us home?" Luke asked.

"We need to talk." She hissed. "We don't want to talk." Luke almost growled, glaring at the brunette.

"Then you listen, I'll talk." He quickly shut up, listening to what she had to say, knowing he wouldn't get out of it. "Well?" He snapped.

"You are a fucking shitty brother, do you know that? You were bringing her out to have fun, and she might have, but we won't remember what the hell she did in the morning. Is that what you want for her?" She snapped back.

All of the boys stayed silent, looks of guilt quickly flashing over their faces. "Well? Answer my fucking question!" Sydney hissed.

"No!" Luke quickly yelled. "No. That's not what I wanted." He stated quieter. "We didn't think of it like that, Sydney." Ashton muttered. "Of fucking course you didn't!" She snapped, looking in the rear view mirrors. "You just thought of you four having fun!" She hissed, gripping the wheel as to not smack them. "You didn't fucking realize what would have happened. You didn't fucking think."

"Maybe we did. But I know for a fact I am a good brother to her." Luke snapped at her, "You haven't been around her as long as I have."

"Oh really? She left Australia because you told her to get the fuck out and never come back! Ring a bell, Hemmings?!" Sydney harshly replied. "You are a bad brother! Do you know how fucking bad she felt when she came here? That was your fault!"

Luke quickly shut up, looking out the window, "I didn't mean it." He whispered, "I didn't fucking mean anything I told her that night."

"You still fucking said it, Luke." She huffed as Calum, Ashton, and Michael watched her carefully.

"You don't understand all the shit you guys have put her through since you've been back in her life." She hissed. "You have no fucking idea how bad you've hurt her."

The rest of the ride was quiet, other than the guys muttering back and forth, unless Sydney had something else that popped into her mind. "You all have done her wrong.. So many times." She muttered, the boys looking anywhere but at her.

"Get out." She grunted as she pulled up in front of their house.

The four slowly thanked her for the ride, which she didn't respond to but pulled out of their driveway and heading back toward her apartment. "God I hope she's okay." She muttered.

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