Chapter 24

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Sean shrugged, "I care about you too." He muttered, pulling her in for a kiss.

"I agree. Cooking was a terrible idea." Pandora laughed, looking at the mess. "Don't worry. Well clean it up." Pandora sighed, but Sydney had other ideas. "Oh hell no. They can clean it up." She laughed as she skipped out of the kitchen. Sydney ran up the stairs to the bathroom. "I call the good shower!" Sydney yelled.

"Dammit!" Pandora groaned, "Wait. Is there a bad shower?" She asked as she turned around, facing Mark. It was rare if she stayed over. Only if her and Mark was fighting or if something had happened and Sydney needed Pandora. Other times the other two stayed at Mark and Pandora's place.

Mark slowly nodded. "Good luck in there, Panda. After you turn on the water... You have ten minutes."

"Goddamn it!" Pandora sighed. She ran up the stairs, "Sydney I'm coming in to get clothes so don't come out of the shower just yet!" She shouted as she entered the room. "Wasn't planning on it!" Sydney yelled back, her voice muffled from the water falling in the shower.

"Good!" She screamed back as she rummaged through her closet, pulling out some white skinny jeans and a black band shirt, "Thank you!" She shouted and she ran into the other bathroom, undressing then turning on the shower and stepping in. "Let's do this." She grunted as the ice cold water dripped down her back. Sydney let out a sigh as she stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her self, walking into her and Sean's shared bedroom.

5 minutes later after quickly washing her hair and quickly scrubbing her body, she stepped out, dried off and slipped into the borrowed clothes. She wrapped her hair in a towel. "Syd!" She shouted, opening the bathroom door then shouting across the hall. "Yes?" Sydney yelled back, poking her head out the door after getting dressed in a baggy jumper and a pair of black, jean shorts. "Got an extra toothbrush I can use?" She asked, now drying her hair with the grey blow dryer that was in the bathroom. "Yeah, one sec." Sydney replied, walking into the bathroom and grabbing her tooth brush, starting to brush her teeth as she found a new tooth brush. She walked down the hall to the bathroom Pandora was in. "Here you go." Sydney said as she handed Pandora the tooth brush.

"Thanks." She muttered as she took it from her. She placed it on the counter before finishing her hair. She quickly brushed her teeth before walking out of the bathroom.

"I gave up today." Pandora sighed as she sat down next to Mark, leaning her head on his lap. The three was now waiting on Sydney to finish getting ready.

Sydney walked downstairs about ten minutes later after doing her makeup and hair. Her hair was curled at the ends, her makeup was winged eyeliner and mascara.

"You take forever.." Pandora moaned, "we've been waiting for like an hour." She exaggerated. Pandora didn't have any makeup on, which honestly, it was rare if she wore it anymore.

"Sorry that I didn't want to look dead." Sydney replied, walking over to Sean and placing a kiss on his cheek. "Can we go now?" Mark asked. Sean quickly nodded, "Please."

Sydney rolled her eyes. "I wasn't that long."
"What does everyone want?" Sean asked as they all piled out of the car. "I want chocolate chip waffles." Sydney replied, a smile on her face.

"I'm not sure yet." Pandora sighed, making agreeing. They was met with loud laughs as they entered the pancake house, their eyes instantly directing toward the source of the sound. "Just sit down and hope they don't notice us." Mark whispered as they found a booth.

Sydney sighed and rolled her eyes. "Didn't even try to fucking call." She muttered. "It's fine." Pandora sighed as she looked at the couple in front of her, "as long as they don't notice us, I'll be fine and hopefully no fights." She lightly giggled.

"Can't promise anything, Panda." Sydney stated, glancing over at her best friend. "I know you can't." She sighed, "but try, please? For me and the sake of everyone in this place."

Pandora felt Mark place his hand on her thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles. Sydney sighed as she rested her head on Sean's shoulder. "Fine."Pandora shot a toothy grin at her, "Thank you."

The waiter came over, taking everyone's orders. Soon, the food was arriving at the table. Sydney instantly lifted her head, her eyes lighting up at the sight of food.

"I was thinking." Mark sighed looking down at Pandora, "What do you think about getting a pet?" He asked. Pandora's eyes widened, "Are you serious?!" She squealed. He nodded, "I've been thinking about it. And when I'm at someone's house filming or if I'm away, you'll have it to keep you company."

"I'd love that." She smiled, but the smile was instantly wiped off her face once she saw what was heading their way. Sydney looked up, a scowl instantly covering her face. "Fuck." Mark whispered. "Hi." Luke smiled as he pulled a chair up, sitting at the top of the table. "Fuck off." Sydney nearly growled, glaring at Luke.

"I'm just here to talk to my sister. Relax, brunette." He shook his hand at her. "But you didn't want to talk last night or this morning? When she was under the influence because of you? Wow, such a great brother." Sydney replied, her hands gripping the table. Sean watched from the side, knowing not to get in between Sydney and what had her upset.

"Look, back off. Just stop and let us speak to her. It's not a big deal about what happened last night." Michael sighed, defending Luke. "Not a big deal? Not a big deal?! Do you know what could have happened?!" Sydney almost yelled as she slapped her hand down on the table. "Babe, calm down." Sean tried comforting his girlfriend, "No need to get all fired up over some one." He sighed.

"It's fine, Syd. It really is." Pandora smiled at her. "So can we speak?" Ashton asked, his eyes pleading.

"You four fucked up, and I'm not going to sit here and watch you weasel your way back into forgiveness." Sydney started, scooting out of the booth and standing up. "Come find me later." She finished, walking away from the booth and out of the restaurant. "If you have something to say, say it now." Pandora told Luke, grabbing Sydneys arm. "I'm not letting them do that." She whispered to her, "If they have something to say, then they can say it in front of you guys as well."

"No. They will, they always do. Remember? You'll find out where I am soon enough." Sydney replied, pulling her arm from Pandora's grip. "Goddamn it." Pandora sighed, "What the fuck do you guys want?" She harshly whispered as she watched her best friend walk away. Sydney let out a huff as she walked down the street, Sean quickly standing up and following her.

"We just wanna talk." Calum said as him, Ashton, and Michael slipped into the seat that Sydney and Sean was previously sitting in, "and we wanted to say sorry." Ashton finished for him.

Pandora sighed, "Youre not forgiven."

"What?" Luke asked. "Apology not accepted. You can't expect to come and apologize after what you did and expect me to forgive you." Pandora hissed.

"Hey! Hey!" Sean yelled, running after Sydney. "Wait up!" Sydney sighed as she stopped. "I'm sorry for exploding like that." She mumbled as Sean walked up next to her. "Don't apologize to me, baby girl." He replied, wrapping his arm around her.

Meanwhile, back in the restaurant, "We kinda did." Ashton whispered. "You took me to bar, under aged, left me alone. Then when my best friend finds me drunk- you still don't understand, do you?" Pandora huffed, "It's the fact of you couldn't be responsible for one night."

Ashton went to reply back but she cut him off, "And you. I fucking trusted you the most." She hissed as she stood up. "Let's go Mark." She grabbed her phone, stepping out of the booth; Mark doing the same.

"How the hell do you expect me to get you to forgive us?" Luke harshly whispered as he grabbed her arm. She tugged out of his grasp, "Find something. I'm not helping you."

At that moment, Sydney walked back in. "Come on, Panda." She said as she walked back over to them. "And you four, fuck off." She hissed.

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