Chapter 34

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"So Pandora, what do you do for a living?" Maria (a/n again, Dk marks moms name).

"She probably bums off of him," Tom quietly grunted, making Mark harshly kick him in the shin. "I'm with a modeling agency and I do YouTube as well." She lightly smiled at his mom. His mom had been the most welcoming out of his family. "That's nice." She smiled as she bit into her salad, giving Mark a small smile as well.

Mark slowly reached over, placing his hand on top of Pandora's, which was on her leg. She looked over at him, a smile on her face as he looked down at her. Tom glanced up at Mark, looking a little suspicious. Pandora bit her bottom lip, returning her eyes to where her food was sitting. "What?" Mark asked, confusion striking his face.

"Don't mess around with your girlfriend under the table, doesn't matter if she wants it or not." Tom grumbled, sitting back only to get hit by his mother. "Tom, don't say that!"

"Woah.." Mark looked shocked, "first off, Pandora and I haven't even decided to take that route in our relationship."

Meanwhile, Pandora was slightly speaking over Mark, "What the hell are you talking about? He wasn't 'messing' around." She hissed, "Look, I know Marks your little brother and I know you want the best for him, but if you think I'm with him for either sex or money, you're entirely wrong." She whispered. "Honestly, thats exactly what I think." Tom laughed.

As Mark was about to reply, Sydney and Jack walked in with their hands intertwined.

"Sean!" Mark sighed, "Shit Sydney." His eyes widened, knowing shit was about to go down.

"Mark, I can't do this.." Pandora whispered as she got up, her vision clouding with tears as she walked out of the small diner. Sydney watched as she walked out the door, quickly turning to Mark. "Hi Mrs. Fischbach, Mr. Fischbach, it's been a while." She said with a smile, walking closer.

"Somebody start explaining before I start busting heads." She nearly growled. "Sydney, don't kill anyone. I'm gonna go check on her." Mark stated. "You know I can't promise that." She stated, sliding into a seat as Mark stood.

"I know.." He lightly laughed, him starting to walk outside, Sean following. "What's going on?" Sean asked Mark as the two saw Pandora sitting on the curb, throwing rocks at the ground.

"Tell me what's going on here. Now." Sydney growled, leaning over the table. "First off, who are you?" Tom sassily asked, "I'm not telling a stranger anything." He laughed, basically playing Sydney.

Sydney nearly snorted. "Seeing as I don't really give a shit, I guess you should tell me before I make sure you can't speak to anyone." She smirked, Mark's parents watching with wide eyes as she pulled Tom by the shirt.

"Nothing happened." He whispered, raising his eyebrows. The smirk stayed present on her face, "You're lying."

"Me lying? Never." He rolled his eyes, "How about you let go and go comfort your little friend?" He hissed.

Sydney leaned over, whispering something in Toms ear that caused his eyes to go wide. Sydney sat back and crossed her arms. "Now, if you don't want that to happen, I suggest you tell me what you said to my 'little friend'."
"Shit Sydney, what did you do?" Mark sighed as he held Pandora in his arms, seeing her walk outside, his family behind her, his eyes specifically going to Tom, who was holding his nose. Sydney smirked, "Oh, nothing you need to worry about,"

"Obviously I do. His nose is bleeding." Mark said as he tried not to laugh, meanwhile, Sean was dying from laughter causing small giggles to escape Pandora's lips. "I was just defending one of my bestest friends ever." Sydney stated, pulling Pandora out of Mark's arms and into hers.

"Thank you." Pandora lightly whispered, hugging Sydney even tighter, "You didn't even know what happened to begin with, but yet, here you are, giving a guy a bloody nose and defending me over something I should have done." Sydney rubbed Panda's back lightly. "He told me what happened, after I threatened to run his dick through a paper shredder when it was still attached to his body, but he still told me." She chuckled.

Sydney started laughing quietly. "I'm totally going to steal your girlfriend one day. Then Septiplier can be real, finally."

"You can't have her." Mark joked as he pulled Panda away from Sydney, his family just watching the scene before them. Sydney pouted, walking over to Jack. "Fine then, I'll just stick with my boyfriend then." She huffed playfully, wrapping her arms around Jack only to have him pull away. "I'm still all for Septiplier, we can make this work!" He laughed, trying to jump on Mark's back.

Pandora just laughed and she felt Mark tumble, her quickly moving out of his arms as the two hit the ground. "Oh my god, best thing I've saw all day." She gasped as she bent over from laughing. Sydney started laughing, covering her mouth. "I-I wish we would have gotten that on video!"

"Oh my god, same." Pandora laughed, "Next time Sean, warn us."

"You two are comfortable with their little bromance/romance thing?" Peter asked, confused. Pandora slowly nodded, "I mean yeah, they can have their fun and stuff, but honestly, were the ones they come home to every night, you know?" She finished as she helped Mark off the ground. "That's right and I wouldn't have it any other way." He said as he kissed her forehead. Sydney smiled, hugging Sean after helping him up.

"Alright, now what?" Pandora asked as Mark got into the passenger seat, her in the drivers seat, and his family filing into the back. "I guess we can go home." Mark sighed, "We can go the Pier or something later tonight," he said as he placed his hand on her thigh, once again. "That sounds good to me," she responded as she flicked the radio on, once again, mainstream music playing through the speakers, "I'm going to kill you, Mark." She grunted as she changed the channel, quickly discovering that there wasn't anything good on the radio before plugging her phone into the auxiliary cord.

She then pulled out of the parking lot, Mark sending a quick text to Sean and Sydney, telling them that they could join them later if they wanted to.

Pandora knew she needed to tell Mark, but honestly, she didn't know how. She bit her lip as she turned into a parking spot at their apartment complex, "Mark?" She said, standing outside the car, him and his family stopping to turn around, looking at her. She stuffed her hands in her pockets of her sweat pants as she slowly shuffled towards them.

"Yeah?" He asked, before turning to look at his family, "You guys can head in if you want, here's the key," He stated as he tossed it to his mother. "You know what? Never mind.." She said as she kept walking, her nerves getting the best of her.

"Hey, hey. Come here.." He trailed off, gently grabbing her upper arm. "What is it, Pan?"

"It's nothing, promise," she said as she shot him a small smile, before shrugging her arm out of his grip. She slowly walked away, entering their home and making her way to their room.

'Why didn't I just tell him?' She thought to herself.

A small frown slowly overtook Mark's face as he followed her inside. "Where'd she go?" Mark sighed as he entered the living room, seeing everyone, minus Panda, sitting in there.

She laid down on the bed, pulling the covers up to her neck.

"Your little gold digger went upstairs." Tom grumbled, earning a slap against the side of his head from his mother. "Ow.."

Mark just rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Whatever." He grunted. He made his way up the stairs, opening the door, then quietly shutting it behind him. "What Mark?" Pandora asked gently as she felt him sit on the bed. "What's wrong, Panda?" He murmured, pulling the blankets back and laying down with her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close.

"I was thinking.." She started, "Would you be mad if I told you I wasn't.. You know.. Ready?" She asked, burying her head into his chest.

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