Chapter 5

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Mark wrapped his arm around Pandoras shoulder before walking back inside. "I-I'll be over there in a minute." She stuttered as she walked away from her friends.

She sluggishly walked over to her parents before making eye contact with her dad. "Can.. Can I sit here?" She mumbled. Her eyes never left her dads face as he nodded. "Uh. Yeah." He cleared his throat.

They wasn't expecting her to actually come over. Luke let out a throaty groan before speaking, "I'm out of here." He grumbled. He tried to get out of the booth, but Jack was blocking him in. "Fucking brothers." He grouched.

She pulled a chair to the edge of the table. "I'm.. I'm sorry." She mumbled, "I'm sorry for going off on you yesterday mum." Liz placed her hand on Pandora's forearm. "It's okay darling." She looked toward Luke before sighing, "Luke I'-"

"Shouldn't you be off with your little boyfriend?" Michael grumbled, cutting her off. He was getting irritated with her being there. "Don't get a fucking attitude with me, Clifford." She growled as she slammed her hands on the table, making him flinch back.

"What are you? Jealous?" She smirked. Michael just ignored her. "You are jealous!" She laughed. Michael just rolled his eyes before letting out a sarcastic laugh, "Why would I be jealous that a slut like you has a new boyfriend of the week?"

"At least I'm not getting a STD from my hookups because I can't get a girlfriend." She smirked. Michael mouth gaped open before letting out a small growl. "You.. You.. You bitch!" He lowly growled out.

Marks head snapped up hearing this. He slowly moved out of his seat before making his way over to them. "Mark- MARK!" Sean shouted. Sydney jumped up and running in front of Mark. "Mark stop. She can handle this herself." Sydney tried stopping him but he just shoved past her. "Oh damn. Oh dammit. Aw fuck." Sean was muttering to himself, but Jenn and Jack heard and was dying from laughter.

"Well fuck you, too, then. I understand you're pissed, but haven't you stopped to think that your girlfriend is a GROWN woman, who can take care of her OWN problems? She doesn't need you protections her all the time. So back the fuck up, and let her fighter HER battles." Sydney shouted at Mark.

Mark let out a growl at Sydneys choice of words before crossing his arms and looking toward Michael. He eyes narrowed into a glare before he whipped around and walked back over to Sean was still muttering 'oh damn' and Sydney was shaking her head at the older man, muttering about how Mark was a fucking idiot before she slapped Sean's arm, telling him to shut up.

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