Unfabulously Pretty: Chapter Forty-Six

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Here's the next chapter! I hope you guys like it!



Chapter Forty-Six

-Shane’s P.O.V-

Zoey and I stood there casually as we watch the two off them hug and walk away, both heading towards different directions. I felt a painful twist inside but have decided to not let it show. I don’t think expressing my feelings would do any good right now.

          “You still hate Drew?” asked Zoey randomly.

          “Hate is such a strong word.” I frowned.

          “Fine, dislike.” Said Zoey. “But you never did tell me the reason why.”

          “Oh, right, the reason…”

          “Don’t even say ‘I don’t have a good feeling about that guy’ because we all know that your conscience are mostly just messing with you.”

          “You have no idea.” I smiled slightly. “But no, that’s not the reason why. I mean, sure I know that he’s not the most dependable guy, but he makes Taylor happy…last time.”


          “And to be honest, I don’t know which part of him that I dislike.” I said. “I think it wasn’t him, it was just me.”

          “What do you mean?”

          “I guess…I was just sort of jealous.” I confessed. Yeah, it kind of kills to listen to the truth sometimes. “Ever since she met Drew we hardly talked to each other.”

          “Oh, why am I not surprised?” she smiled.

          “Because you’re not supposed to.” I said unfalteringly. “I was afraid of losing people, that’s all.”

          “Aw don’t be silly.” She laughed. “Why would you lose someone because they met someone new? That’s just plain unreasonable and even you know that.”

          “Yeah.” I laughed to myself.

          “Well, since you think that Drew is harmless, you shouldn’t worry too much.”

          “Actually it’s not possible to ignore the fact that he’s drinking alcohol and hanging out late at night in nightclubs. I was worried that Taylor might turn into one of those girls.” I smiled wryly.

          “Hey, we all are, but you gotta trust her, no? She’s no longer the little Taylor we grew up with, she’s grown up now and I’m sure she can take care of herself.”

          “Man, you sound like a mom.”

          “Oh, whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “And one more thing. If you really care for her, you should go be friends with Drew.”

          “What? Why?”

          “You know, to make her happy.” She beamed. “I’m sure she’d be really glad to see you two getting along. You two are the most important people to her, anyway.” She hesitated. “Besides me of course.”

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