Unfabulously Pretty: Chapter Sixty-Five

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Gosh I'm such a procrastinator ==" remind me to stop delaying the 'moment' the next time I write a story, cuz I always seem to do so xD HAHA. Sorry guys, I'm still improving x3

Thanks for reading!



Chapter Sixty-Five

-Shane’s P.O.V-

If any of you are wondering whatever happened to Ash, then forget about it. It was horrible, enough said.

          When I’ve got home today, everyone was sitting by the dining table with a cheery face. Well, I still find it kind of confusing because we’ve celebrated the good news yesterday; there is no way that they’re going to celebrate it twice. I think something else happened…

          “Tessa is engaged.” Mom shrilled.

          “What!” I gaped.

          “With Lukey!” she cried happily. I couldn’t take it in so I had to look at Luke to confirm the situation.

          “You proposed?!”

          “Heck yeah!” he made a face, then beamed joyfully.

          “You bought a ring?” I raised a brow.

          “Yeah, I did.” He grinned.

          “Wait, you bought a ring when I was in the hospital?”

          “No!” he looked terrified. “I bought the ring like two freaking months ago! I wanted to propose last month but you were in the hospital and the mood sort of faded away, but now that you’re here it came back! Dude, I’m getting married!”

          “At the age of twenty-three, I’m amazed.” I said truthfully. “Congrats, I guess.”


          Mom and Dad started to give Luke a lecture about how tough it is being a dad, and that marriage is all about commitment and more commitment, and blah-blah-blah. Well, mind you, if you remembered correctly Mom had forbid me to date at the age of eighteen. She says I’m too young and stuff, so what’s the point of sticking around?

          “Just because Mom says that you’re too young, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t date.” Leslie frowned.

          “Well, that’s what I was thinking but I’m afraid she might go insane if that happens.”

          “Get a life man. Eighteen isn’t young, and by the way if you don’t date now who knows how you’ll look like when you hit twenty? With all the moustache and stuff, and you might gain additional weight and turn flabby.”

          “Ever heard of shaving? And by the way it’s impossible for me to gain weight.” I protested.

          “Yeah but you get the point.” She rolled her eyes. “You and I both know who we’re talking about, right?”

          “Unfortunately, I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

          “I’m talking about you getting a girlfriend.” She pointed out.


          “Yes! And I’m talking about…” she hesitated. “Don’t make me say her name out loud.”

          “Oh, c’mon, are you serious? Just because Luke is getting married that doesn’t mean another member of the family should date.” I snorted.

          “This has nothing to do with Luke. Face it; you’ve forced me to say her name now. I’m talking about you dating TAYLOR.” She shouted.

          “YOU’RE DATING?!” Luke spun around in fright.


          “Shane didn’t I tell you about dating at the age of eighteen?” said Mom quizzically.

          “I’m not dating, for crying out loud.” I shot a baleful stare at Leslie. “She’s just blurting crap.”

          “No, I’m just blurting the future.”

          “You’re going to date Taylor?”

          “Why are you even asking me questions that I can’t even answer? I’m no mind reader, and I don’t predict the future because the last time I did that I got chased by dogs.” I said disbelievingly.

          “Well, if you are then no discouraging words here. I mean, she is going to be your sister-in-law, right?” said Luke. “By the way, is it even legal for a brother-in-law to date a sister-in-law? Because that sounds kind of weird, but then again…”

          “Taylor isn’t my sister-in-law, it’s Tessa.” I made a face.

          “Oh, whatever.” He rolled his eyes. “Anyway, you can date her if you want. I’m sure Mom and Dad are just kidding about you being underage and stuff, right?”

          “Of course.” Dad stuttered. “I’ll be upstairs.”

          “Uh, whatever you say.” Mom nodded obediently for once.

          “This conversation is going no where. I never said that I wanted to date anyone yet.”

          “But you never said that you weren’t, too.” Said Leslie like she’s so smart.

          “I’m not getting involved in this conversation any further.” I muttered while Mom walks behind Dad into the room.

          “But you do like her, right?” said Luke suddenly. “It’s not like you dislike her or anything.”

          “Well, I…can’t really deny that.”

          “Pfft, your face is so easy to read.” Leslie guffawed.

          “Must I answer that question?” I smiled wryly. I received a few quizzical brows in return.

          It felt inconvenient and unnecessary to answer this sort of question at home, and I’m pretty sure Mom and Dad are trying their hardest to listen from next door. It became harder when Leslie looked at me with those kinds of eyes and Luke sticking directly beside me, giving me the skeptical look. And I thought my family was normal…

          “How come you never got involved in this kind of situation when you were about to date Tessa?”

          “Why are you even asking me questions that I can’t even answer?” said Luke, obviously quoting me.

          “Gosh you’re a pain.” I groaned.

          “Just answer the freaking question!” said Leslie impatiently.

          I looked from Leslie to Luke, then back to Leslie and looked closely at the door. Yeah, they are listening all right. If only things didn’t have to be this hard…

          “Do you?” she asked again and I heaved a sigh.

          “Yes.” I muttered. “Yes, I do.”

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