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A/N: Thanks so much guys for 500 reads and all the votes and comments!  I appreciate all the support it's been getting. It makes me feel so happy that you guys actually like my writing! Anyways, let's continue...

"Holy shit."

Were the first words Samus said when she stepped into school the next day. Lucina and Zelda were as just as surprised as she was. The school had went all out for their big game today against TIS. It was an overwhelming mad house. Everyone was in the school spirit, dressed in light blue and white, covered in face paint and carrying all sorts of banners, bullhorns, and pom-poms. 

"Go B.A,! We're gonna win today!" they heard someone chanting. Four cheerleaders stood behind them: Wii Fit Trainer, (girl) Villager, a reluctant Viridi, and...

"Pat? You're a cheerleader?"

"Well I thought I should still support you guys, even though I'm not a part of the team. I still wanted to be involved somehow!"

"Well I didn't," Viridi moped, "I was forced into this stupid crap against my will."

"Oh hush Vir!" Pat scolded.


"Thanks Pat, that was really sweet of you!" Zelda smiled. Lucina nodded in agreement.

"We'll be rooting for ya!" Pat smiled and walked away with her mini cheer squad. 

"Good thing it's a half-day.  I would've already been worn out by the end of first period," Samus remarked. 

"I'm actually not as anxious as I thought. I feel kinda excited!" Zelda said enthusiastically. 

"Hey that's the spirit, we're gonna need that during the game," Samus chuckled.

"We should be going to class now," Lucina interjected. Samus glared at her.

"Why are you such a buzzkill Luc?"

The team had just received word from Principal Strife that they were allowed to leave class early to go warm up for the game...

"Alright team, are we all here?" Samus said rounding up the team in a circle on the field.

"Eleven, twelve, thirteen...We're all here!" Sonic checked.

"Good. Let's warm up before we run drills okay?" Samus instructed, "Everyone line up here. We'll jog around the field then stretch out."

Samus lead the team in other drills to loosen up their muscles until she felt everyone was stretched out.

"K guys get a quick drink then back on the field for drills."

Everyone began to walk back to the benches.

"Oww..." Zelda groaned still feeling sore from yesterday's practice. Link looked over at her, concerned.

"Ah don't worry I'm good! Just being complaining about being sore," she joked.

Link looked for his sports bag on the ground. When he found it, he rummaged through for something. He pulled out a long foam roller and handed it to Zelda. She looked at it confused.

"What is it?"

Link looked shocked. He couldn't believe she'd never seen one before. He sat down on the bench and showed her how it worked, by rolling it back and forth behind and in front of his calfs and quads. He then jogged in place quickly, to display the result of using the roller.

"Oh it stretches out your muscles...!"

He handed the roller to her once again.

"Thank you..."

She bent over and rolled the roller behind her calf back and forth, rather recklessly. She stopped rolling and moved her leg, but it still felt sore.

"Oww... did I do something wrong?"

Link placed his hand on her shoulders and sat her down on the bench. He bent down, took her leg which he placed on his knee, and began rolling behind her calf, slowly.

"Your muscles have to be relaxed in order for it to work," Link spoke quietly.

Well that makes sense DUH... Zelda thought to herself. As Link, switched to her other leg and rolled just as slowly, Zelda yelped out from her muscles stretching out. Link looked up and stopped rolling.

"No...I-It feels good..." she said whimpering a little. Link's face flushed a bright red.

"Okay guys. Break time's over. Let's run those drills."

Samus led the same drills they did during other practices. The team was doing well and felt energized for the game. While they were practicing, they noticed that some of the people rooting for them began to pile onto the bleachers. After a while, the whole school was gathered outside, ready to cheer their school team on. 

"Wow, so many people decided to come!" Marth exclaimed. 

"I sure feel ready now," Sonic said with determination. Fox silently nodded to him and gave a thumbs up.

"Ooh yeh! Mario's ah redee!"

"Hey Shulk..."

"Ike, don't do it mate..."



"You really feelin it?!"

"Fuck you man."

Ike laughed heartily. 


"Yes Robin?"

He noticed she seemed a little on edge and nervous.

"I know we will prevail this match. I wouldn't worry."

"I won't."

"And if you fall again, I promise to help you back on your feet."

"Will you keep your promise?" she chuckled.

"Of course."

"Good then. I'm holding you to that."

A bus arrived at the fence separating the field from the road. Out came the team from the opposing school (in a very cool, dramatic way *swoosh*). 

"Wow they know how to make an entrance," Ike commented.

"Yeah, but they're still hella sketchy," Samus added. More buses soon arrived from the opposing team. Their crowd was also very high-spirited but ...very ominous. The TIS Strikers hopped over the fence and ran onto the field, claiming their bench and began to warm up. The field was now packed with people cheering for their own school. The BA Smashers (sorry for these cheesy team names) admired and took in all the attention they were receiving and experiencing.  

"Wow, what a crowd!" Zelda noted. Link grinned in response.

"Take it all in everyone and remember this," Samus encouraged.

"Welcome everyone to the annual....Brawl Academy spring soccer match of 2016!" Principal Strife announced over the loudspeaker.

The bleachers erupted with cheer.

"It is now about time for our two teams to begin the game, but first, a performance from each cheer squad."

The two cheer groups ran out onto the field all peppy and hyper for the game, riling up the crowd. It was a perfect afternoon for a game like this, but in the end only one will win and that's something neither team won't give up so easily.

Game Changer: Book I (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now