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A/N: WHOO! Double update yay! How's the story so far? Do you guys like Link's personality change? Let me know! Thanks again for all the support, it looks like the story's popularity is growing and I can't thank you guys enough (it means a lot). And with that, let's continue...

Zelda slowly moved towards the bush, counting down to one in her head for when she would search through it.


"What's the point? She already knows we're here."

"Dammit Pat! We could've made it if you'd just shut up."

"We're caught either way. She'll understand once we explain."

Three girls popped up from behind the bush.

"Lucina? Samus? Pat? Wha--"

"We wanted to hang out with you!" Pat cheered. 

"We were going to go home after waiting a few minutes, but we saw Link come up to your door and it got us curious--"

"Link! That's his name. Thank you."

"We apologize for being secretive," Lucina said seriously.

"No worries! Why don't you guys come in?" Zelda offered as she led the three girls towards her house.

"Aw, it's so cute and tiny, like a little doll house!" Pat exclaimed. Zelda took them upstairs to her room. She opened the door and let them in.

"Do you guys want anything to eat?"

"You have any--" Samus started.

"We're fine thanks," Lucina butted in. Samus growled at her and Lucina responded with a smirk. Zelda winked at Samus, whose eyes lit up immediately. She then left the three girls and poured them glasses of lemonade and got out some homemade guacamole and chips. While she came back, Lucina began talking. 

"So we witnessed your little encounter with Peach today."

"Don't even get me started with what that moldy fruit did today. Has the nerve to call me a-" Samus was interrupted.

"Oh we all know what happened Samus," Pat said sounding bored.

Everyone but Samus laughed.

"I know she did it on purpose. Things like that...are to coincidental to be an 'accident'. I didn;t want to cause a scene though," Zelda replied. She then put the snacks and drinks in front of Samus, who was oggling the food like crazy, and hopped on her bed with Pat who was already laying there.

"You should learn from her Sammie. Controlling your temper is something you struggle with a lot," Pat said laughing. Samus was fuming, but too hungry to call her out.

"You did the right thing. Getting angry will only satisfy her," Lucina said glancing over at Samus from the window seat, who started to get even angrier. 

"Yea but what's doing nothing going to do? I mean she's just going to keep being a bitch if we don't do anything," Samus explained.

"Point taken," Lucina admitted. Samus smirked.

"No swearing!" Pat shouted. Samus groaned.

"It does help to vent about her though," Samus pointed out while munching on her food. 

"Anything else I should know?" Zelda asked, intrigued.

The three girls looked at each other then to Zelda with mischievous expressions. 

"Just that Peach and her squad are spit sisters/sloppy seconds with pretty much all the guys at school. It's kinda nasty when you think about it..."

"Ew Sam... when you put it like that...." Pat cringed.

"May I ask what 'spit sisters'  and 'sloppy seconds' are exactly? " Lucina asked innocently.

"Something you never wanna be Luc. Anyway, most of the girls at school know that she's crazy but the guys, unfortunately, don't see it. They just see what's there and that's enough to convince them. Except for Link" Samus explained.

"I was going to ask about that. How did they become a thing?" Zelda asked curiously. Lucina pondered for a moment then spoke.

"He knows what kind of person she is and he's trying to change her for the better. It all started one night when he was dared to kiss Peach as a joke, but she mistook it for starting a relationship. He then seized the opportunity to try and change her, and so far nothing."

"Yep. RIP Link, he was a good one." Samus joked.

"He also knows how heartbroken she'll be if he breaks it off. He's too kind and loyal to do anything that will hurt anyone, even Peach. And if she's heartbroken, she'll get even worse. He believes there's still some good left in her--"

"WHERE?!" Samus exclaimed.

"He put his own happiness aside just so he can not only make Peach happy, but relieve others as well," Lucina continued.

"Wow," Zelda added.

"That's about Link for you," Samus commented, "Quiet but heroic..."

"...and hot"


"Well, I think we all know that by now."

All the girls blushed. And so the night went on. Everyone opened up to one another about themselves and grew closer as a friend group. They laughed, shared stories, etc. then finally fell asleep sprawled out over Zelda's bed, floor, and the window seat. Zelda smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

I already have a great group of friends my first day and it feels like we've known each other forever. I'm so lucky...

A/N: Sorry that part was so long! I wanted to cram a lot in there for you guys. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you in the next part! XD

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