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A/N: Yo! I might not update this weekend bc I have the fam...*sigh* yes more fam hangin here and I have to be social...grrr. Only until Sunday/Monday though! Also this pic isn't mine, but how cute is it?! I hope you guys are still enjoying the story, and with that let's continue...

Zelda shifted a little in her sleep, trying to adjust into a comfier position. She tossed, she turned...she gave up. She reluctantly opened her eyes and sat up. She had fallen asleep on the basement couch next to Link, who was still sound asleep (snoring as usual). His chest was bare, but covered with a knitted blanket. She tried to refresh her mind as to what happened last night, until she heard something fall on the floor between the couch cushions. She bent down to look under and it was one of her game controllers.

Oh right... we barely got any rest... she thought to herself.

She saw something else on the floor, glinting from the warm sun coming in from the window. She reached to grab it and rolled it out from under. It was a very small, glass, bottle with a fairy fluttering on the inside. There was a note attached to it.

You'll need this later kid. You don't know what's gonna come at you, so always keep this near you.

~Aunt Impa

Zelda clutched the bottle close to her chest, smiling.

What is it though, Auntie...?

Zelda sat up and looked down again at Link still sleeping. He was sleeping so peacefully, she didn't want to wake him. From what she thought they had plenty of time-- to spend in detention if they didn't get to school on time! Zelda freaked as she looked at her watch.

Why are we never ON TIMEEEE!??!? she panicked in her mind.

"Link! We have to go, we'll miss school!" she said anxiously. She shook him by his shoulders back and forth, but he remained asleep. She then sat on top of him, straddling him, pinching his cheek.

"In the name of Hylia, Link, WAKE UP!"

His eyelids slowly fluttered open, still half-asleep. They soon widened once he realized Zelda was sitting on him. His cheeks went rosy and he looked away.

"Sorry I pinched your cheeks so hard! They're a bit red," she apologized.

Yeah let's... go with that... Link kept to himself.

She then placed her hand on his cheek, trying to sooth the redness, but it only made him blush more. He grabbed her waist with both hands, picked her up off of him, sat her down on the empty space next to him, got up hastily, and made his way towards the stairs. Zelda looked at him confused.

"Sorry I won't do that again," she said innocently. Link stopped in his tracks and shook his head embarrassed to admit he didn't mind being woken up like that. He cleared his throat and made his way up the stairs, Zelda following behind him.

"I had a feeling we'd be late, so I made us some breakfast to go, early this morning. Hope that's okay."

Link eyed the two cups Zelda pulled out from the fridge. It was a fruit parfait with various berries, bananas, brown sugar granola, and vanilla yogurt. It looked professionally made. Link looked back up at Zelda, her eyes hopeful and her smile cheerful. Link hesitantly took the plastic spoon.

"Oh I forgot you don't really like sweets, my fault. I can make you something else!"

Link waved his hands rapidly, indicating that he would be fine with what she made. He dipped his spoon in the parfait and ate it. He sighed from how good it tasted.

"Guess that means you like it! C'mon we can eat on the way to school," she said hurriedly.

They sped-walked on the way to school, since they had about 5 minutes left, stuffing themselves with their parfaits. Zelda looked over at Link, still enjoying his parfait. She was happy he liked her cooking so much. She could see his bandages and scars from last night's encounter with the mysterious man. Seeing him like that made her feel uneasy. Link noticed her reaction and stopped eating his parfait. Zelda looked up and made eye contact with him.

"Sorry again about this morning."

Link gave her a confused look.

"For waking you up like that. I must've put pressure on your injuries."

He stared at her blankly then grinned, reassuring her. Zelda blushed.

"Ok I'll stop bringing it up now."

Zelda then felt a familiar warming sensation on her hand. Her triforce. She looked down to see Link's was doing the same. They both looked at each other and just smiled. They finally made it to school and walked towards their classroom, a few seconds before the late bell rang. Some of the students stared at them as they walked in. Peach and her gang shot Zelda menacing looks, causing Zelda to sigh in despair.

"I should go..." she sighed.

"Hey Zel," someone called out. Zelda perked her head up. She saw Shulk wave at her and she ran over to him. 

Link grew irritated and started examining Shulk. For some reason, he just couldn't see what was so great about him. But maybe Zelda was right, he might be an okay guy. Still, Link felt that he wasn't, especially around Zelda. He was almost too cheerful, too calm, too...likable. That aside, even his sword was just too extravagant, forget about how oversized it was. And why was it red? It looked like a knock-off...

Wait his sword... Link mulled over in his head.

"Link hey! Over here!" a high-pitched voice that could only belong to one person shouted across the room. Link reluctantly turned his head away from Shulk and made his way to Peach.

"Oh my gosh you're all cut up and bandaged! What happened to you?!" Peach asked concerned.

A/N: AH! Sorry it's long again! I hope you like what's happening here! It's gon get reeeeal spicy heheh! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I will see you with the next part XD

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