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A/N: Hey guys! I hope the story isn't getting too predictable and too cheesy. If you have any suggestions, please comment and message me. I encourage constructive criticism. I hope everything is going great for you guys and with that, let's continue...

"Caeda! I didn't know you were coming," Marth said cheerfully. Caeda nearly spit her drink out once Marth started talking to her.

He--he's here...talking to me... Caeda thought to herself.

"Oh! Uhm it was really last minute!"

"Well good I'm glad you're here. You excited for semi-formal? Taking anyone?"

"Heh...um...well no one asked me yet..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"You're fine don't worry!" she said as she waved her hands around frantically.

"Tell you what, my date isn't really one to have fun with at a dance, why don't we just hang out together the whole night?"

Yes! Yes! YESS! 

"Wow you sound excited!"

Why did I say that out loud?! Mental face-palm... Caeda thought to herself defeatedly.

"I guess, in a way, we're kinda going together, huh?" Marth commented innocently.

The both of them blushed simultaneously.

"I--I mean!"

"No I...I knew what you meant! Thank you," Caeda smiled then walked away squealing on the inside.


"See that wasn't so bad? Your dance moves were-- not terrible," Lucina remarked.

"I'm a tactician, it is my job to solve puzzles as difficult as the art of dancing."

"Oh enough with the formalities. You can breathe around me at least."

Robin stared at her in shock.

"Lucina, I just want to be clear that you know as well as I do that I have no interest in a romantic relationship at the moment."

"What made you say that all of a sudden?"

"Isn't it typical to open up to the person you're interested in?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Robin. You made that very clear to me when you asked me to formal. Now try to enjoy yourself, it's a party! You don't have to strategize to have fun," she said. Robin just humphed. Lucina then saw out of the corner of her Samus and Ike coming down the stairs together.

Tea... Lucina said to herself, intrigued.

"Samus!" Lucina shouted over the noise. She then ran over to her, leaving Robin alone. Pat and Zelda saw her too and ran up to Samus as well, full of curiosity. 

"What happened with Ike?" Pat asked eagerly. 

"Well he went up to change his shirt..."

"DAMN HE WAS READY," Pat exclaimed.

"Mario spilled his drink on him it wasn't like that you dumbass!"

"So...what did happen then?" Lucina inquired.

"He just...asked me to formal THAT"S IT."

"EEEEEEEEEEEE" all the girls screamed in unison.

"That's so CUTE! You better look your best, Sammie!" Pat teased. Samus grew red in the face and started chasing Pat around her house.


"Anyway... you and Robin seem to be having fun tonight, huh Luc?" Zelda asked innocently. Lucina froze.

"Parties like this are not really his thing. I'm just trying to help him adjust."

"I guess he wouldn't have come if didn't know you'd be here," she smirked. Lucina pouted. Zelda was laughing until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Oh hey Shulk!"

"I'm leaving early, something urgent came up. But I'll see you later, okay?" he said rather hurriedly.

"Yeah I'll see you later--"

He dashed away as soon as she finished talking.

"That was odd..." Lucina remarked.

"I'm sure whatever he had to do was pretty important," Zelda observed. Just then, someone behind her held out a drink in front of her.

"Ah Link!"

She the carefully took the drink from him.


Zelda looked over to Lucina, who was raising a suspicious eyebrow. Zelda shot back at her the 'I know what you're thinking, and it's real cute and all, but no' look. Lucina, understanding her facial expression, grinned while shrugging and walked away from the two of them. Link pointed over to the pool table eagerly.

"Alright let's play," Zelda said.

He nodded enthusiastically.

"Just so you know, you're gonna lose," she playfully taunted. After one long night of partying, everyone piled out of Pat's house, except for Samus, Pat, Lucina, Zelda, and Link.

"Looks like we're the last ones left. Great party, Pat," Samus said tiredly.

"It went over well, Pat. I think everyone enjoyed themselves fully" Lucina chimed in.

"You guys really thought it was a good party?" Pat asked concerned. Everyone agreed simultaneously.

"I better get back home, I'm falling asleep just looking at your couch, Pat..." Samus yawned. Lucina nodded her head in agreement.

"Same here. Thanks, Pat, for a great party!" Zelda added with Link making a small smile. As soon as they all left Pat's house, they all parted their separate ways. Link and Zelda walked home together, since they lived near each other. Once Zelda reached her house, Link waved to her, then continued walking by himself to his house. Link closed his eyes as he felt the coolness of the night breeze brush past him. After being in Pat's house where everyone probably sweated to death, it felt good to get some air. Just as he opened his eyes, he was suddenly knocked down on the ground right outside his house. A foot pushed his head onto the ground. He could feel the roughness of the pavement against his face and a sharp, pointed blade of some sort slowly piercing his lower abdomen. It wasn't all the way in, but when he felt the blade pull out, the blade struck him again at Link's shoulder.

"Don't struggle, Hero of Time," a mysterious muffled voice said through a mask, "You'll make this easier for me."

What the hell...? Who is this guy...?

"Hand over your symbol of courage and I promise to still kill you," the stranger chuckled.

Link gathered up enough strength to still fight the stranger off. Severely weakened, he managed to use one of his free arms to elbow the man in the face and side kick him to the ground. The man got up, drew out a giant, red, sword and lunged it at Link, who frantically looked for something he could use to defend himself. He saw the tip of the man's sword coming straight for him. Link was ready to take the stranger on with his bare hands but he froze when he saw another figure appear and a blue diamond surrounding them.

A/N: Tried to insert some action in there, what did you guys think? Let me know! Sorry these chapters are kinda long. I guess since I haven't updated in a while I'm trying to do so much in one part. But, hopefully, the next, future chapters will be shorter. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you with the next part XD

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