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Third Person POV

(6 months later)

Lauren Cimorelli bounded the stairs, her younger sister Dani on her tail as they raced to the living room, flopping onto the couch in giggles.

Christina had called an emergency band meeting, and her younger siblings were eager to hear her announcements.

It was safe to say a lot had changed over the last six months.

The band was back together, Christina still their rightful leader, Lauren having reclaimed her place.

Katherine, with the support of her family, and a few months worth of therapy, had stopped self harming, and had reverted back to expressing her emotions through journaling,

Lisa's anxiety had died down to an occasional nightmare, with the help of Amy.

Lauren was finally back to her old self, completely healed, both physically and mentally.

Her relationship with Dani had healed just as nicely, the two just as inseparable as when they were kids.

"What is it Chris?" Katherine asked, plopping down on the couch besides the two younger girls.

Katherine's arms were still adorned with scars, but she had accepted them as a mark of her toughest years, and let them pose as a reminder of how she had survived, rather than how she had failed.

"Yeah what's the "big announcement""?Lisa added, sitting down beside her.

"I just have a ....minor announcement" Christina replied, clasping her hands together, a smirk playing on her lips.

The five looked up at their band leader, anticipation buzzing in the air.

"WE'RE GOING ON TOUR!!!" Christina exclaimed.

A choral of "WHATS!!!" and "OH MY GOSH'S!!!" followed as the six sisters hugged and bounced around with excitement.

Dani and Amy hugged tightly, Katherine and Lisa began performing their own form of a victory dance.

And through the excitement and the chaos, Christina met Lauren's gaze, and though tears were pooled in her eyes, there was a real smile on he lips.

Christina ran over and pulled her birthday twin into the tightest hug imaginable.

Lauren squeezed back with all her might, an uncontrollable happiness running through her, a happiness she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it!!" Lauren whispered into her older sisters ear.

"Believeeeee ittttt" Christina sang in response, referencing one of their old songs, causing Lauren to giggle.

When the excitement dulled down a buzz, the sisters pulled away from each other and Christina brushed her hair back professionally.

"Alright, tour starts next week, but we need to be prepped and ready to go, so start gathering any belongings you may need now" she ordered.

Lisa giggled "Good to have you back Ms. Bossypants"

Christina's hands fell to her hips, and she cocked a warning brow in Lisa's direction.

"Go pack" she ordered, pointing a finger upstairs.

The five sisters began filing upstairs, ready to pack for their big adventure, but now before Lisa spun around and saluted.

"Yes General Crankypants" she teased.

"Oh come here you!!!" Christina yelled, lunging for the stairs.

"Scamper scamper scamper!!!" Katherine cried.

"The beast is loose!!" Dani interjected as they scrambled up the stairs.

And the rest of the day was spent chasing each other around the house, laughing so hard they felt their guts would spill.

And that's when Lauren Cimorelli had an epiphany.

Looking around at her laughing siblings, whom of which were now tackling each other into a messy pile of hair and splayed limbs, she couldn't help but smile.

Life is good.

And what a long life she was to live.



Thank you all so much for your constant love and support over the years, I never expected this story to take off as well as it did.

Eventually I will be posting another story (no not a sequel it will have an entirely different plotline)

But until then, hugs and kisses to you all!!

Love y'all!!

- Annie :)

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