Chapter Fifteen

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(Christina's POV)

Katherine had finally calmed down, and is now asleep with her head on my shoulder. She looks peaceful, for the first time since this morning.

Which now feels like an eternity ago.

My head is still spinning with so many dark thoughts, and I only have a tiny shred of optimism. It's in the form of Dr. Shepherd's voice saying

She's alive.

I think those are the only two words keeping me going, keeping me fighting, though most of me is just so tired...

I lay my head on top of Katherine's, and allow my eyelids to droop shut, just for a moment.

Lauren is standing in front of me, alive and well. It makes my heart swell with pleasure.

"Lauren!!" I cry and I immediately run in to scoop her into my arms, but all I grasp is air.

I look at her again and realize she's not fully there, she's translucent, a faded painting.


Her expression is calm, but in her eyes, I can see the anger. The betrayed anger.

"This is your fault. You're the reason I'm like this" she hisses.

I flinch back, each of her words pierce me like knives.

"L-Laur....I...I'm so sorry" I plead, tears threatening to spill.

"It's too late for that. You weren't there when I needed you to be. You weren't there. What kind of sister are you!!!!"

My eyes snap open and a silent scream forms on my lips. It was just a dream..

But it might as well have been reality.


I look up and see the face I had been dreading to see.


"Are you ok?" She asks.

Her eyes look sunken and vacant, and her shoulders are slumped forward, she's given up.

But I don't care.

My temper flares, and I grit my teeth to keep myself in control.

"Do I look ok" I sneer.

She flinches.

"I-I'm sorry I-I just, I didn't-" she babbles complete nonsense, and I've just about had it.

I stand up, not caring if I've woken Katherine up in the process.

"This is your fault!!! All. Your. Fault!!!! You did this to Lauren! You did this to all of us!!!! I hate you! Get out!!!"

At this point I'm yelling loud enough for my voice to echo off the walls of the house, but I can't find it in myself to care if anyone hears me, anyone except her.

Dani stares at me for a minute, her mouth opening and closing a dozen times, before she turns on her heels and dashes out of the room.

A second later, Lisa and Amy come barging in.

"What the heck was all that screaming about?!?!" Amy asks.

"Dani!!! I never want to see her again! She did this!!!"

I'm shaking uncontrollably with animalistic rage, my fists are balled so tightly my knuckles are white.

I turn and punch the wall with such brute force it creates a large hole. It hurts like heck, but at the same time I don't feel anything but anger.

I want her to pay, I want her to feel every bit of pain she has made Lauren feel.

I suddenly feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, and I look up only to see a pair of deep brown eyes, staring intently into my own.

"Chris. I know you're angry, but you need to calm down. Ok? Calm down"

Katherine's voice wraps around me like a security blanket. It's soft and warm and gentle, it somehow knocks me out of my state of anger.

"I'm sorry" I mumble.

"I think we've all had a long day...let's just, take a breather" Amy says, her voice cautious, as if afraid to create any more tension.

"Maybe we should all go out and grab some pizza" Lisa suggests, and I let out a hollow laugh.

"You can never stop thinking about your pizza huh?" I ask, my voice soft.

She manages a small twinge of a smile.

And for a moment, I almost believe it's gonna be ok.


A/N: yay an update!!! I'm sorry it took so long I've had a bad case of writers block and schools been keeping me busy.

There's this really cute girl in my wellness class and I have no idea how to talk to her :( :(

I hope you all are having a great week!!

Love ya'll!!

- Annie :)

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