Chapter Thirty Three

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(Amy's POV)

A few hours have passed since we saw Lauren be rushed out of her room, soaked in blood.

We have not left the hospital since.

Christina is out getting some snacks from the vending machine, Dani's asleep on Katherine's lap, and I'm laying on Lisa.

But I can't sleep, I can't even try, my whole body is paralyzed with fear. There are so many questions buzzing through my mind right now.

And the biggest of them all:

What the hell happened?

Dozens of scenarios come to mind, as I try to come up with some sort of satisfiable answer.

But I can't deny the fear that's been shoved down countless times.

The fear that Lauren had tried to hurt herself again, or even worse...

...that she had tried to kill herself again.

I can't wrap my head around how or why, but it's the one possibility that refuses to be dismissed.

I look up at Lisa, her eyes are shut, and her cheeks are finally dry.

I breathe a small sigh of release, it wasn't too long ago that she was in Katherine's arms, unable to stop crying.

However, the unbearable ache that has burrowed itself into my chest, refuses to leave.

Turning my head towards Katherine, I catch her eye.

She looks so run down, bedraggled by a lack of sleep and the stress of today's events.

And yet, her lip still twitches upward, her best effort at a proper smile.

My own lip twitches in response, before my eyes avert down to her wrists, her scars are hidden from view, but I large pang erupts in my chest at the thought of there possibly being more.

At that moment, Christina walks in, dishing out granola bars to Katherine and I, saving the others for when Lisa and Dani wake up.

"Chris" I call softly, attempting not to wake Lisa.

She turns to me, her eyes red and puffy, telltale signs that she hadn't just been getting snacks.

"It will be ok, right? We'll be ok?" I ask, not exactly sure what I'm expecting to hear as a response.

Her lips purse into a thin line, and I can tell she's carefully considering her response.

After a minute or so she let's out a breath.

"I hope so Ames"

And as if on cue, a doctor makes his way over to us, Dr. Shepherd.

Christina's on her feet in seconds, and the rest of us follow, Dani and Lisa a little more groggy than the rest.

"How is she???" Christina asks, she attempts to sound professional, but the fear in her voice is evident.

Dr. Shepherd smiles, though it doesn't quite meet his eyes

"She pulled through"

We all let out a simultaneous breath, and I hear Lisa mumur a small prayer.

"Doctor, what happened??" Katherine asks, the one question we've all been dying to have answered.

He sighs "There was some internal bleeding, and it caused her wound to get infected. We don't exactly know the cause of the bleeding. Right now we're assuming it's from the pills, but we aren't sure"

"S-s-so wait, s-she didn't try to kill herself again?" Dani stutters, and we share a look....we had been thinking the same thing.

"No" he says "she didn't"

"Can we go see her?" Lisa asks, her tone pleading and desperate.

He smiles "Yes you may"

Before he can even finish, we all dash off, not wanting to spend another minute away from our sister.


A/N: Hello kids!!! Sorry it's been a while!

Not gonna lie, I had fiercely debated whether I should have Lauren live or not.

But I decided Id be better off not crushing the hearts of millions.

And small announcement...

I'm going to a cimorelli concert on Monday!!! :DDDDD


Anyone else positively in love with their album????

Oh my gosh I'm so excited!!! And I promise I will attempt to update ASAP :)


Love y'all!!

- Annie :)

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