Chapter Ten

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(Christina's POV)

After Amy walks out I take a deep breath, it's my turn now....

I stand up to walk into the room, but I can only stand frozen in place, until it feel a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Chris" I hear a voice, which I recognize to be Katherine's, say.

I turn to her "I'm ok" I assure her, well as ok as one can be at a time like this. And to prove it, I force my legs to carry me into the room.

I walk over to Lauren's bed, and take a long hard look at her, and the bandages covering her wrists.

At the sight of her, I slump down into the chair and bury my face in my hands, tugging at my hair.

I take a minute to collect myself, before lifting my head and reaching my hand out towards her.

I hesitate...I haven't touched her in any way, shape or form for three months...

My hand trembles right above hers and I bite my lip, slowly folding my palm over her knuckle.

My breath hitches at the contact, I feel like I've just broken the thousand mile distance between us.

I rub my thumb across the back of her hand, willing the tears in my eyes to stay put.

"Oh Robin" I whisper, before laughing a small, hollow laugh.

"I haven't called you that in such a long time...too long in fact. Laur...I'm so so sorry. And I know that will never be enough, but I am. I'm sorry for kicking you out of the band, for ignoring you, for being so rude to you, for believing every lie that was fed to me. I've failed so miserably as your eldest sister, it's my job to protect you, to help to when you need it...but I didn't. I turned you away, I made you suffer for so long...I can pretty much feel you slapping my hand away and screaming at me to get out, which I should. I don't deserve to hold your hand, I don't even deserve to be near you"

I choke up slightly, and finally let my tears fall.

"I know you don't think I care about you, but I do, I really do. I always have. And I hate myself so much for causing this...I'm the one who should be in that coma...damn it Lauren, I LOVE YOU!!! OK YOU MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN BUT I DO!!! I love you so. freaking. much that I'm falling apart at the seams just seeing you like this!!!! You were the best birthday present I've ever gotten...but you were the present I took for granted. Please Lauren, please please believe me when I say this. I need you to wake up. I need you Lauren, I need my birthday twin. I need you, I miss you...I love you"

I choke out my last word before completely breaking down.

"I'm sorry Lauren...I'm sorry" I whisper, and I repeat it over and over and over, crying all the tears I've swallowed down in front of my sisters.

I'm the eldest it was my job to protect her...and now I'm one of the reasons she's in a coma...

Even if she does wake up soon...I'll never forgive myself for this..


A/N: If your heart hasn't shattered at least a little by this point I'm a little disappointed

I may or may not have teared up a bit during this chapter.

So what do y'all think? Do you think Lauren will forgive them when she wakes up¿

Do ya'll think she should forgive them?

Well either way you'll find out soon enough, mwahaha.

Love ya'll!

- Annie :)

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