Chapter Thirty Four

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(Lauren's POV)

My eyes slowly drift open, only for me to clench them again.

I feel nothing but pain, constant, aching pain.

But I force myself through the pain and open my eyes anyway, and slowly the interior of the room I'm in becomes clear.

And it all comes flooding back, I'm in a hospital bed, I tried to commit suicide.
I remember seeing my sisters, and my parents, forgiving them, feeling loved for the first time in months... what happened?

I turn my head, only to see a figure at my bedside, their hand clamped on mine, their head resting on my bedrail.

And by the mess of chestnut brown hair, I know it's Christina.

I let out a small groan, an attempt at words, and immediately Christina's head darts up and turns to face me.

"Lauren!!" she exclaims, her ocean green eyes looking me over for any sign of discomfort.

She's always been motherly like that.

"Hey" I whisper.

She strokes my hair, brushing the loose strands behind my ear.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, her thumb caressing my cheek.

I swallow, trying to rid the dryness from my throat

"Been better" I croak, managing a slight grin.

She let's out a small laugh, wiping tears from her eyes, a mile-wide smile on her face.

I look around "Where are the others?" I ask.

"I had them go home to get some rest once we found out you pulled through, they should be here in another hour"

I nod as she pours me a glass of water

"Here" she says, handing me the glass.

"I'll go get the doctor" she adds and she squeezes my hand before walking out.

A moment later, she returns with a tall man, who's name I can't quite remember

He smiles at me "Hey Lauren, good to see you again"

I simply smile as he walks over.

"What happened?" I ask, and his expression turns grave.

"There was....some internal bleeding, and it caused your wound to re-bleed and become infected. You lost a lot of blood. But, we were able to repair the damage and, you're going to fine" he explains.

I nod, taking this information in. I've cheated death twice it seems. I guess this is a sign that I'm meant to stick around.

"She's really gonna be ok?" Christina asks, shifting cautiously on her feet.

He nods "Yes. We'll monitor her carefully for the next few days. But if all goes well, you should be able to take her home by the end of the week."

I smile, home. It feels like a century has passed since I've been anywhere but this hospital bed.

"Oh thank you, thank you so much!" Christina cries, throwing her arms around the doctor.

He chuckles "Of course, I'll give you some time alone" he says and with one last smile, he walks out.

Christina walks back over to my beside "Oh Laur, I missed you so much..." She whispers, clutching my hand tightly.

"I missed you too" I whisper back and I feel her lips against my knuckles.

And before I drift back off to sleep, I hear her whisper.

"Everything will be ok"

A/N: hello kids, sorry I know it's been a while! But ayyyeee everything's coming together.

Sorry to tell you guys but this story will probably be coming to an end soon :///

Honestly it's hard to believe that almost a year ago I published the first chapter!

To everyone who has supported me with this story, it does not go unnoticed by me.

Now that it's summer and I finally pushed through (yet another) case of writers block, updates will come a lot sooner.

Love y'all!!!

- Annie :)

P.S. I may or may not have other stories in the works ;)

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