Chapter Twenty Nine

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(Lisa's POV)

"LAUREN!!!!" I scream, snapping my eyes open.

My heart is pounding erratically and I drenched in was just another nightmare. It's always a nightmare.

And in every single one, I'm holding her pale, bloody body as before..except she's always dead. I'm always too late, no matter what I do.

"Lisa?" I hear Katherine's muffled voice outside the door.

"I'm fine" I call, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

Yet the door still opens...I must've forgotten to lock it. I make out Katherine's silhouette in the darkness as she walks over to me, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"No you're not" she says, and I sigh.

She's right....and she knows it.

She takes my hand, and even though it's dark, I can practically picture her small motherly smile

"'s ok" she whispers.

At her words, I find myself bursting into tears even though I felt no need to cry.

She pulls me into her arms and for a moment, I almost feel ok..


"I can't do it Kath" I sob "every day...every night it's the same thing over and over. I can't keep seeing her body like that. I CANT!!"

I'm breathing so fast and so harshly my chest feels like it's being crushed.

"Shh, Shh, Lise it's ok. She's coming home soon ok? Remember that. She's awake, she's alive she's coming home. Remember that." She whispers.

And I try to, I try to grasp onto that one solid fact.

"She's awake, she's alive, she's coming home" I whisper.

"Yes, yes she is"

"She's awake, she's alive, she's coming home. She's awake, she's alive, she's coming home."

I repeat those words over and over and over, and Katherine doesn't leave my side.

"She's awake, she's alive, she's coming home...she's awake, she's alive, she's coming home"

It takes about 10 minutes before I finally stop repeating the phrase, and my breathing my returns to normal.

"Are you gonna be ok?" Katherine asks, and I go to nod my head yes, like I always do...but I just can't.

"No..." I whisper.

"Ok, then I'll stay" she says, and her grip on me tightens.

I bury my head into her shoulder, and close my arms, and try not to think.

But I can't shut my thoughts off.

They're there and they're constant.

Am I going crazy?

Suddenly I hear Katherine start to hum, it's a tune I'm not familiar with, but it comforts me nonetheless.

It gives me something to focus on.

And after a few minutes I manage to close eyes and let sleep overtake me.

This time there are no nightmares.



And sorry this is a bit shorter :/

Oh and so I know I've referenced Lisa having PTSD in a few past chapters.

Well I actually had to do a presentation on PTSD and it's actually not diagnosed as chronic PTSD until 3 months after the trauma with no improving symptoms (tho some of you may have already known that XD)

Anyways so I've changed PTSD to anxiety, however, Lisa's condition further on will...well, I'm not gonna spoil anything.

I got a busy week but I will try to update ASAP!

Thank you guys for being so patient!

Love y'all!!

- Annie :)

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