Chapter Eleven

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(Dani's POV)

I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, my eyes narrowed at the monster I see before me.

My head is pounding from crying so hard, and my eyes feel wet and heavy. I honestly wouldn't mind taking a long nap, escaping the horrible mess I've made.

I clasp my hands together, praying for Lauren to be ok, to be alive...that's all I want.

I don't even care if she hates me for the rest of her life.

I just want her to be alive.

I shake my head, this is all my fault..and I know that this isn't me speaking out of insecurity or guilt.

It's the truth.

All I wanted was to get more attention than Lauren, for once.

I mean, everyone in the family adores her, she's so sweet and shy and innocent, it's impossible not to love her.

Me on the other hand, I'm crazy and loud and obnoxious. I can tell I get on my sisters nerves easily, even if they'd never admit it.

I could never compare to sweet little Lauren.

Even the fans love her more. She gets the most compliments and praise right after Lisa. The only comments I ever get are full of hate.

So I figured...if I couldn't be as good as her, I'd have to knock her down a few pegs.

I had trained myself to cry at will, and planned out all these stories, they were so convincing, I had even shocked myself.

And for a while, my dream did come true. All of them sympathized me, and would spend twice the amount of time they usually would with me, just so I would know I was loved, and that what Lauren was saying wasn't true.

The only one who was skeptical about it was Lisa, but luckily, that only made everyone else turn on her.

Did I feel guilty about it? A little.

Don't get me wrong, I love Lauren. She's my best friend, my other half, my partner in crime....and I could hear her crying at night sometimes...or screaming don't leave me at the top of her lungs.

But to be honest, I was so busy absorbing the limelight, I had failed to notice how depressed she'd gotten....and now she's in the hospital from having attempted suicide.

I shutter at the thought of her pale, lifeless looking body. There was so much was like something out of my worst nightmare.

Suddenly I hear the front door open.

My eyes widen and I burst our of the room.

I watch as Katherine runs upstairs sobbing without a word, as Christina and Lisa follow after her, and for a moment, I'm terrified my worst fear has come to life.

I walk over to my parents and Amy, who all look completely miserable.

Amy's eyes lock on mine and they immediately narrow into a harsh glare.

I flinch slightly, before looking over to my parents.

"I-is she?" I stutter out and my dad shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"No, but she's going to be in a coma...for God knows how long.."

At his words, I feel a heavy weight release from my chest...she's alive.

But it's shortlived by another crushing weight. She's in a coma, and no one knows when she's going to wake up...

I feel tears build up in my eyes and I rush upstairs before anything else can be said.

I run into my room and climb up onto Lauren's bunk. I lay on my stomach, burying my face into her has that sweet Lauren smell.

I never realized how much I missed that smell...

I turn over onto my back, staring blankly at the ceiling, letting my tears slowly roll down my cheeks.

If I'm quiet enough, I can hear the muffled sobs of Katherine in the next room.

I sigh heavily, she's crying because of me. Because of what I did to Lauren.

More tears start to fall, I've blown everything, I've crossed the line, what I've done cannot be fixed...

I never meant to hurt her so much...


A/N: well that's an update on how Dani's doing.

So what ever happened between Kath and Lauren?

You may or may not find out why in the next chapter...:O




love y'all!

- Annie :)

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