Chapter Thirty Five

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(Katherine's POV)

My hands tremble as I wait for Lauren.

Lisa, Amy and Dani sit around me, just as twitchy, just as restless.

Today's the day Lauren was supposed to come home. Now we're just waiting on Lauren and Christina.

But I'm still restless, a million things can possibly go wrong in the previous minutes before my family is fully reunited.

But I try not to think about that.

So as I let my eyes dance around the waiting room, eager for distraction, my attention is caught by a familiar face.

"I'll be right back" I say, and I rise to my feet and walk away before anyone can question me.

"Nikki?" I ask, and the girl in question lifts her head, and I'm met with those autumn brown eyes.

"Katherine, good to see you!" She greets, closing her book.

I smile in return, happy she recognizes me.

"You as well....h-how are you? How's your sister? I ask, and Nikki's infectious smile wavers, causing my heart to twist.

"I'm good. My sisters in chemo right now, though-" she pauses, checking her watch.

"She should be out any minute. How about your sister? Lauren right?"

I nod "Yeah, Lauren. We had a rough scare not too long ago, but she pulled through, and she's coming home today"

Nikki's smile is genuine, and I'm relieved to not see any trace of envy on her features.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you and your family" she exclaims, her tone holds with sincerity

"And how is the uh," she trails off, her eyes slowly drifting to my wrist.

I let out a deep breath "It's been...rough, but...I've been clean. My sisters caught me, and so, for them...I'm trying."

"And for you" I add.

Nikki's smile widens, a crooked grin that reflects her youthful energy.

"That's a great start. I'm proud of you"

I open my mouth to thank her, really thank her. But a girl walks over to her before I can do so.

She's tall, lanky and pale, with a bandana wrapped around her head, the tell-tale effects of chemo.

"Hey how was it?" Nikki asks, and the girl shrugs.


"Well, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Katherine this is my sister, Alex. Alex, this is a friend of mine, Katherine"

Nikki's sister, Alex, turns to me, and I catch the first real glimpse of her face.

She has Nikki's eyes, and the same crooked grin. But her features are a lot more sunken, her skin bearing more stress lines than her sister,

She can't have been any older than 16, but she shows all the growth of an adult.

"Alex, it's a pleasure to meet you" I greet, holding out a hand.

Alex takes my hand "You too, Nikki's mentioned you, and your sister. I hope she's doing well"

She nods "She is, thank you. And, I'll be praying for you and your family"

Alex smiles "Thank you very much"


I turn and see Lisa gesturing me over, Lauren and Christina now in the mix.

"Well, looks like I have to go. It was very nice to meet you both. Stay strong Alex"

The two sisters wave goodbye and I begin making my way back to my family, enveloping Lauren in a tight hug.

"Who were you talking to?" Amy asks.

"Just a girl I recognized" I reply vaguely,

"You ready to go home?" I ask, turning to Lauren.

She smiled, oh how Katherine missed that smile

"More than anything"

I smile in return. Maybe one day I'll tell them about my encounter with Nikki, and her sister.

But not today.

Today I'm going to go home and celebrate my family being reunited as a whole.

Today I'm going to allow herself to be happy.

And as my family pile into the car, alight with laughter and easy conversation.

As I wrap an arm around Lauren and sing along to the radio, and let my smiles come easy.

That's just what I do.

A/N: hello everyone!! I regret to inform you that there will only be one more chapter to this story.

I seriously appreciate all the support that has been given!!!

You guys are the absolute best!! I hope you're all having a great summer!!

Love y'all!

- Annie :)

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