Chapter Seven

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(Lisa's POV)

Everyone leaves the room to give me and Lauren some time alone.

I slowly approach her bed and sit down in the chair beside her, studying her closely.

She's hooked to numerous IV's and machines don't even dare to try and name, her wrists are covered in bandages all the way to her forearms, her eyes are closed and her lips are parted by a breathing tube.

But even with all this, she seems a lot...calmer, as if she's finally at peace.

I start crying, for the millionth time today, and squeeze her hand in mine, as I had finally washed the blood off them.

Her skin is cold as ice....

I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes.

"Lauren, you're alive" I say, smiling through my tears.

"That..may not sound like good news to you, but to me, it's the best news I've ever been given. Dani admitted it, that she lied about should've seen the look on Christina's face, she was so angry. Laur, they all love you soooo much, even if they haven't been showing you that love. You probably feel betrayed...I would too, but please please believe me, they love you with all their hearts. I don't blame you for thinking they could live without you either...but they really can't, I can't.  Do you hear me Laur? I already miss you so much, and I have no idea when you're gonna wake up. I love you so much"

I start sobbing, clutching her hand tightly. My tears drip onto her skin and for. Moment I almost expect my "tears of love" or whatever to wake her out of her in the cartoons, and I almost laugh in spite of myself.

After a minute I manage to calm down, and I simply stare at her.

Her face is frozen in a placid yet calm expression and I all want right for her to open her eyes, and flash me that adorable smile of hers. Not because she has to, not because she wants to convince me that she's ok...

Just because she's happy.

I want her to wake up, and be happy she did, that she's alive, and I want her to know that she is loved, so much..

It is in this moment that I realize how long it's been since I've seen a genuine smile on her lips, since I've heard the sweet sound of her laugh.

I can't even remember the last time I looked into her eyes and didn't see the eyes of a broken soul staring back at me.

I just want to see her eyes alight with that special Lauren spark in them.

And more than anything in the whole entire world...

I just want her eyes to be open.


A/N: Laurisa tho.

Do you hear that?

That's the sound of my heart breaking.

The next chapters are about to get real emotional, oh boy!

So tomorrow is my birthday!! YAAASSS!!! And I'm going out with my best friend later so I might not have much time to update tomorrow :/

But thank you all so much for your support it seriously means the world to me!

Love ya'll!!

- Annie :)

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