Chapter Twelve

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(Katherine's POV)

As soon as we get back home, I run inside and fly up the stairs. I can hear footsteps behind me, but I don't care who it is.

I run into my room, that I share with Christina and Amy, and slide down then wall in sobs.

My chest feels on fire, and all I can hear are the taunting voices in my head.

It's your fault. You could've saved her.

I bury my face in my hands and sob loudly. I hear the door open a second later, but I don't look up to see who it is.

I just want Lauren.

I feel a body slide down on either side of me and I finally look up to see Christina on my left side and Lisa on my right.

"Kath what's wrong?!" Christina asks, looking rather alarmed at how upset I am, despite the circumstances.

But I'm crying so hard I can't even collect myself to utter a single word, so I simply shake my head.

"Kath...I know you're upset, we all are. But it's gonna be ok, Lauren is going to wake up, and that's what matters" Lisa assured me.

But I shake my head again.

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!" I yell, sobbing harder than ever.

I then feel a hand under my chin. I open my eyes and through my tears, make out Christina, who is staring rather intently at me.

"Then help us to" she whispers.

I take several deep breaths, swallowing down my tears, until I finally manage to calm myself down.

Then I tell them everything.


A soft knock comes from the door, pulling me out of my book.

"Come in!" I call without looking up. It's probably just Christina with her laundry.

But as the door creaks open I look up to see, not Christina, but a face I haven't seen in a long time.


She cautiously walks in, her shoulders tense, ready for an outburst.

Getting a closer look at her, I can see the tears stains on her cheeks, and the bags beneath her eyes.

She looks like she hasn't slept in days and I swear she looks thinner beneath her clothes.

And despite the circumstance, I still feel my heart break at the sight of her.

"Kath" she whispers in a tiny tiny voice.

I shut my book and sit up, crossing my arms, not letting my emotions show.

"Yes?" I ask, my tone dry.

"C-can I talk to you please?" She asks, not fully meeting my gaze.

I open my mouth to say no, but seeing the amount of desperation on her face, I give in.

I let out a sigh, and nod.

She walks over to my bed and sits down, leaving a good distance between us.

"Kath...I don't know how much longer I can live like this silence. I have Lisa's just too unbearable. I miss you, all of you. Please believe me, I don't know why Dani would make all these stories up but none of them are true!! I can't take much more, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm depressed. Everything just feels so hopeless. Please Kath..I'm still your little sister. Don't you still love me?"

I stare at her for a long time, and through her tears I can catch the faintest glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Inside, my heart is urging me to scoop Lauren up into my arms and tell her that everything's going to be ok.

And I almost do, but the voice in my
head tells me otherwise.

That's not fair to Dani. Did you see how hysterical she was? There's no way everything she said is made up.

So instead, I keep my indifferent exposure.

"Deal with it yourself Lauren, I'm not in the mood for this" I growl.

She looks up at me incredulously, tears streaming down her face.

"Kath please!" She begs but I only shake my head

"Get OUT!" I hiss, and she doesn't hesitate.

She scrambles out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

And that's when I realize, as my arms unfold and my facade peals back....

That I never answered her question.


A/N: Wow idk about you but this chapter makes me very mad.

How do you think Lisa will react?







YAASSSSSS!!! I'm still freaked out about it OMG.

I'm just sad I won't be able to see them on tour, they're not coming close enough to where I live:(

But if any of you guys are going I hope you have the best time ever!!

Love y'all!

- Annie :)

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