Chapter Six

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(Christina's POV)

I sit in the back with Lisa as we drive to the hospital. Her body is trembling like crazy, and I can hear her struggling to breathe evenly.

She covers her face with her hands and bangs a fist on her knee, mumbling incoherently to herself.

"Lisa" I say, and she looks up at me, biting her lip to keep it from quivering. I hold my arms and she immediately jumps into my embrace.

I hold her tightly in my arms, brushing my fingers through her long dark hair. She leans her head against my chest and let's out a ragged breath.

"I was too late" she says, her voice a broken whisper.

I hold her closer "No Lisa, don't you dare blame yourself. You probably saved her life, if you hadn't been there when you were, we all would've been too late"

"I had her. I was right there, she was just fine...then she collapsed in my arms" she whimpers, holding onto me tighter than ever.

"I'm so sorry baby girl" I whisper, as a tear falls into hair.

I rock her back and forth gently, I used to do this when she was first a baby. Whenever she cried I would rock her in my arms until she slowly fell back asleep. Some things never change.

For the next hour and a half we stay like this, and I can feel Lisa slowly start to calm down, though I silently curse how far away the hospital is.

Then the car comes to a stop.

"We're here" Katherine says softly, nobody moves. We stay frozen in our seats for a moment, before I feel Lisa climb out of my arms.

We slowly fall after her and start walking towards the hospital.

My legs feel completely numb, I can barely feel anything, and for a moment, I'm afraid they'll give way right in the parking lot.

Suddenly Lisa breaks into a run, sprinting for the doors.

"LISA!!!" Amy calls, and we all run after her.

She runs up to the front desk. "LaurenCimorelli" she says breathlessly.

The woman up front types for a minute. "She just got out of surgery, she's in room 301" she replies.

Lisa immediately bolts, the rest of us trailing behind her. We finally reach her room. Where Lisa is standing with her hand on the knob, unmoving.

"Lisa it's ok" Amy says, reaching a hand to her shoulder. She turns and gives her a faint smile before slowly turning the knob.

I feel my heart rate increase dramatically and I grab the first hand I can find, which happens to be Katherine's.

She opens the door and we walk inside. There, a tall doctor with tidy black hair is writing something on a clipboard.

I can make out the figure of a small body laying in the hospital bed, which I assume is Lauren. But I don't look at her, I can't bring myself to.

The doctor turns to us and smiles easingly "You must be the Cimorelli's, I'm Doctor Shepherd" he says, his voice calm. It somehow helps slow the racing train of thoughts in my head.

Lisa clears her throat "H-how is she?" She asks, her eyes wide, begging for good news.

I grip Katherine's hand even tighter.

He grimaces "Well she's lost a significant amount of blood and quite a bit of damage has been done from the pills, but luckily we were able to pump a good amount that hadn't quite entered her system" he explains.

"So she's...." Lisa trails off and he smiles.


At that word I take a big gulp of air, as if I hadn't taken a breath in months. Lisa starts laughing with relief, wiping tears from her eyes.

He looks at us solemnly "But I'm sorry to say she's in a coma" he says, his kind blue eyes filled with remorse.

Instantly my heart drops into my stomach.

"W-when will she wake up?" I ask and he shrugs.

"It's hard to tell. It could be anywhere from a few days, to a few months"


Katherine pulls me into a tight hug, and I stay in her embrace for a long time it seems, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla on her shirt, and I pretend for a moment, that none of this has happened.

Lauren is perfectly ok.

We never ignored her.

Dani never lied to us.

I didn't walk in on Lisa holding Lauren's nearly lifeless body with blood soaked hands.

But as soon as Katherine lets me go, the reality of what's going on crashes back on top of me.

"But she is alive" he reminds us and that makes me smile.

She's alive.


That Listina moment in the beginning tho yus.

Ok tbh idek if what happened to Lauren is physically possible but oh well, let's just go with it.

Yes it was a short surgery, but that's cuz I already had it prewritten and didn't feel like adding a whole waiting scene #laziness

Anyone catch the Grey's Anatomy reference ;)

If you did I love you and we are now best friends.


I know you can't see the tears but I'm crying.

(Hopefully some of you will get that reference as well)

Love ya'll!!

- Annie :)

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