Chapter Twenty Three

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(Lauren's POV)

When I open my eyes, the first thing I notice is that I'm not breathing.

I go to take in a breath, but something stops me short and I start to choke.

Panic starts flooding my body...I can't breathe..I can't breathe.

The monitor beside me starts to beep crazily, and a nurse comes rushing into the room.

Her eyes widen at the sight of me, before she comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Honey, it's ok. The tube is breathing for you, just relax" she says.

I stare up at her, with probably a terrified expression, and stop panicking long enough to feel as the tube down my throat fills my lungs with air despite the fact that I'm doing anything to make it happen.

She smiles kindly at me

"Well it looks like you won't be needing it anymore anyways" she says.

She reaches over and slowly pulls the tube out of my throat.

I cough and sputter, trying to take even breaths, I feel like I've been holding my breath for days on end.

The nurse puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Deep breaths honey" she soothes.

"Page Shepherd!!" She calls a second later.

When I finally calm down she smiles softly at me.

"Glad to see your awake" she says.

I open my mouth to speak, but my throat is as dry as sandpaper. So the sound that is supposed to be my voice comes out as a raspy croak.

"Here sweetie" the nurse says, handing me a cup of water.

I guzzle it down, though it hurts to hurts to do anything really.

It's like my whole body is just one big I could be this sore from laying in a hospital bed? I do not know.

But I manage to summon my strength and ask the one question currently on my mind.

"Where's my family?"

At first I'm almost surprised I've asked..if anything I should be hating them...right?

"We called them they should be here soon" she consoles.

I nod simply and glance down to the bandages on my wrists.

The memories come flooding back over me like a wave from a tsunami.

The pills.

The razor.

Collapsing in Lisa's arms.

Tears fill the brim of my eyes, but I quickly blink them away as a tall man walks into the room.

"Well hello there" he says, smiling down at me.

I simply stare at him, not able to find the strength to speak.

He looks through his clipboard, his expression unreadable.

"Well your vitals are stable" he murmurs.

He walks over and begins toying around with the various machines around me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

I take a deep breath, and lift my arm, which takes a lot more effort than it usually should, and twitch my hand in a "so-so" gesture.

He chuckles, which makes my lips twitch slightly at the beginning hint of a smile.

The door suddenly opens "Dr. Shepherd...her family's here. And they'd like to see her" a nurse says.

He looks to me

"Would you like to see your family?" He asks.


Do I want to see them? Would they even be happy to see me awake?..or will they be upset that it hadn't died in the first place.

I argue with myself until I physically start to get a headache. And then I surprise myself with what I do next.

I nod.



I promise I will start updating more quickly between chapters!

So sorry to leave you all in such suspense but I'm just evil like that mwahaha ;)


Love y'all!!

- Annie :)

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