Chapter Thirty

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(Katherine's POV)

It's the last day before Lauren is allowed to come home, and once we all finished our lunch, we pile into the van and make our way off to the hospital.

It's dead silent, it always is whenever we drove to visit Lauren. It isn't...uncomfortable exactly, just a very heavy silence, a silence that weighs down on each of our shoulders.

With me driving, and Lisa in the passenger, I hear her begin to mutter

"She's awake, she's alive, she's coming home, she's awake, she's alive, she's coming home"

My stomach clenches with anxiety, Lauren's been stable since she woke up, but despite that, Lisa is still anxious and on edge, as if she won't thoroughly believe Lauren's ok until she comes home.

"Lisa" I say, and she turns to me, with glassy eyes and quavery lips.

I stretch out my arm and her hand folds into my mind, squeezing tightly.

"She's gonna be ok" I say, and I honestly believe it, I have just enough optimism to believe it.

Lisa nods, but doesn't release my hand, instead she takes her other hand, and inches my sleeve up my forearm, making me tense.

"How long?" She asks, and I don't need any further explanation, she's asking how long I've been clean.

"Four days" I reply, not taking my eyes off the road. For Christina's sake..I've been trying to stop, but my skin is practically begging to be's become addictive.

I feel Lisa's finger gently trace along my scars, normally such an action would send anxiety surging through my heart, and would make me pull away in an instant, yet for some unknown reason....I remain calm.

So I let her continue this gesture, and silently pray to God that such a horrible, addicting act won't succumb the fate of yet another baby sister of mine.

The thought of this bothers me so much I decide to voice it aloud.

"Lise" I whisper, not wanting to raise any more concern for Christina, or Amy, or Dani.


I look over and catch her eyes briefly

"Promise me you won't make this same mistake..."

She purses her lips, and for a moment I fear that I've asked for a promise that's already been undone.

But instead she nods her head, and squeezes my hand even tighter.

With one less worry on my mind, I turn my attention back into the road as we pull into the hospital parking lot.

We all slowly climb out of the van and walk towards the hospital, the only sound being our footsteps clicking against the pavement.

But as soon as we walk through the doors, we enter an atmosphere of chaos.

Doctors and nurses scurrying around with gurneys and frantic receptionists talking rapidly into phones.

We all exchange glances before sprinting off for Lauren's room, fearing the worst.

But the faster I seem to run, the longer the hallways seem to be. It feels like hours before I finally find the door with Lauren's number.

But when I open the door, I look in to see my worst nightmare...



I know it's been a while but I decided to give you all a little Christmas present!

I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful holiday!

Love y'all!!

- Annie :)

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