26 | whitening

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Light slowly entered my eyes as I peeked open them. The light felt so bright like it were the first time I had ever encountered it.

Ian sat close to my bed and my parents sat opposite to him, with a panic-stricken face. Mum, however didn't look so shocked; not so much – maybe she knew about this already. It had to be for that was the only explanation I could give.

I turned to look at Ian again and this time, he spoke with a smile lingering on his face, "You gave me a heart attack."

"I thought I wouldn't find you here when I wake up," I told him randomly.

"So this was a Pressure Test?" He asked, laughing loudly.

"Yeah," I sheepishly smiled, finding no strength in me to let out a loud laugh.

Ian's facial features softened soon enough. He looked at me with care and whispered, "Get well soon, Elle. I can't bear to see you like this again." He kissed me on my forehead and informed me that he'd go and get me some food.

I nodded at him and he left with a smile and I was left wondering how Ian could have changed so much.

I heaved out a sigh and laid down again. My head gently rested on the pillow and I looked out through the window. The leaves looked very green and the sun shone bright. The day was warm and beautiful. Exhausted and tired, my eyes slowly closed and sleep overcame me.

"Go to sleep, dear," was the last thing I heard from my mum before I fell asleep.


My eyes slowly peeled open and I turned to look at Ella. She was gleaming yet had a very saddened expression plastered on her face.

"Eh?" I asked confused.

"You have two guys out there fighting for you like you're the golden ticket," Ella smirked and smiled like the entire situation was very funny.

"I'm really not understanding, Ella," I asked genuinely, "What is going on?"

"Luke rushed as soon as he heard you collapsed. He went on a wildfire when he heard that you collapsed when you were with Ian. He went even more crazier to see Ian bringing food to your room. He's shouting and fighting it out with him. At least, both of them are civil enough to realise that this is a hospital," Ella explained.

My eyes widened when I heard about what's going on in the corridor. "Oh my god," I gasped. "Can you help me get up?"

"Elle, I don't think it's a good idea, um," Ella hesitated.

"Help me, please," I begged.

She wound her arm around me as I clutched onto my glucose bag stand. With her arms tightly secured on my waist, I placed one hand of mine on her shoulder and the other tightly held the glucose bag. We slowly walked together to the corridor as I dragged the stand with me.

Ella opened the door for me and I walked to the corridor where I saw Luke and Ian seated far away from each other and glaring death balls.

"Babe," Luke's voice held concern for me as he pushed forward to hold me and take me from Ella.

"No," I stood clutching onto the stand and holding onto Ella. "What is wrong with you?"

"Ellie, I –" Luke began but I cut him off mid sentence. Ian sighed.

"Luke, Ian apologised, and explained. You need to let go of the past. At least I learnt to do that," I explained.

"Babe, we'll talk this through but can we first take you to your room, lay you down and then?" Luke requested and I realised how much I needed to sit that I nodded. Luke wrapped my hand around his shoulders and supported my entire body weight as he took me to the room. Ella and Ian followed silently.

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