19 | sighting

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"Where are we headed to?" I questioned Luke. We were both seated in his Mercedes convertible. The weather was beautiful. The wind swept past us as Luke drove.

"Acropolis in Athens," Luke told me as he leaned foreword to kiss me on my cheek. I mumbled, "Eyes on the road," to which Luke obviously chuckled.

"Just out of curiosity, alright, Luke. I have a doubt," I shot a glance at Luke. Luke nodded as if signaling me to continue. "Do you absolutely have no college to attend to?"

"I guess so," Luke chuckled as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, "Taking few days off while having a perfect record isn't much of a problem, Amor."

I laughed out loud, "Understandable." Looking upwards, I spoke, "You never pull down the convertible? Never?"

"Never needed to," He pulled down the convertible and I smirked at him as he shrugged.

"You never speak about your high school. Is it something you desire to forget than remember?"

"I would never forget it," I sighed and turned my head to look through the window. "It's something I'd keep safe- something to treasure. Mia, Victoria, Ella and I were are our happiest then, presumably. It was perfect back then," I but my lip, unsure of what to say.

"Well, what went wrong?"

"I guess to understand what went wrong, you would need to know how deep of a connection I had with all of them. Mia, Ella and I used to be friends since third grade. The typical cute girl and her sidekick chicks. We grew up together, mainly because their mums and mine used to be friends. In high school, Tori came by. We had a connection, unspoken of course. Ian walked into my life then with Ella's long time boyfriend, Trent. School's star footballer and typical teenage heartbreaker fell in love with me, or so I thought, and we were in a relationship."

"But, Mia and Ian; they're like -" Luke spoke, bewildered.

"Yeah, Ella did mention they were dating-"

Luke cut me off, "Shagging, you mean. That wanker can't wank all his life, can he?" Luke snuck a laugh.

I gasped, "You just used the word wank, didn't you?" Luke laughed loudly. It was in that moment I noticed his eyes yet again. They sparkled when he laughed. The violet specks in those blue eyes grew brighter as he squinted them. His lips curved wider than usual and I unknowingly, smiled with him.

"Quit staring, Amor," he smirked. "Continue."

"Well, as known, I was admitted with cancer. They didn't visit me, none of them did. Of course, Ella did visit me and treat me royalty. My boyfriend broke up with me for I had cancer. Mia never bothered showing her face, which was definitely a good decision, because if she had shown her face, I wouldn't hesitate to punch her square on her face," I pursed my lips, inadvertently.

"Quite the badass I've got here," Luke raised his eyebrows as he simpered.

"Definitely the badass you've got here. I reek of badassery," I joked.

"You reek of badassery," Luke joked along.

"We reek of badassery," we burst out laughing.

"That was quite fun. You make a good English teacher," Luke grinned as I brushed off my pants and laughed.

"So, Temple of Poseidon. How long from now till we reach there?" I enquired. I was getting pretty restless from all the sitting in the car.

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