22 | startling

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Luke, persuading me to get on the Ferris Wheel, was the catalyst I needed and all that I needed to get over my fear of that haunting incident was to actually take help, to probably have let go of that irrational thought.

The suburbs of New York along with all the sky scraping buildings was absolutely a wondrous sight to gaze at from the above. With that and the lush of plants and trees planted, I was feeling more patriotic and possessive about New York City than ever.

"And this is why, Luke, you should fall in love with New York. Tell me, how can you not fall in love with all these?" I gestured.

"Because I've fallen for something better," Luke smirked and kissed me on my cheek as our fingers entwined into each other's. I blushed and pouted unknowingly. Luke chuckled at my very reaction at his line.

"You're cheesy as hell."

"I've a purpose and a reason to be so."

"And what may that be, Fletcher?" I questioned with no intention of getting no answer. A mere joke, was all I ever meant. "To sweep poor girls like me off their feet or to gather and collect the broken pieces of the heartbroken girls' hearts?"

Luke laughed it off and shrugged, "I thank my mother for those devilishly charming looks I have."

The Ferris Wheel soon came to our stop and we got down. I couldn't help but notice how Luke kept dodging talks about his father or how he never mentioned him even once.

Bad past, maybe.

I hopped sloppily to my left and right and wondered. I'll need to look up who Luke's father is. Search him up and get Luke to resolve things with him. Fabulous idea, I smirked to myself.

"I need to thank your mum indeed, my boy," Luke looked at me weirdly as soon as I called him that. I laughed and patted him on his back.

You're weird, I thought to myself, again. You're weirder because you don't even care it's your birthday. I mentally shrugged and walked with Luke. We walked to a bench and Luke made me sit down.

I looked at him weirdly and asked, "Why aren't you sitting too then?"

"I have to go somewhere."

"Then I'll come along with you," I offered, still confused.

"No," Luke stammered. He was having a tough time making excuses and I could see that clearly through him. "I'm going to use the men's restroom. You can't come there, right?" Luke laughed nervously. I eyed him and nodded.

I sat down on the bench and tapped on the bench out of utter boredom. I sighed and looked around left and right for any sign of somebody and absolutely anybody.

Quickly, as if on instinct, a girl came running in my direction. My eyes widened as she quickly stopped at the bench I was sitting. She was petite but had this fair maiden beauty etched into her. Her features seemed very delicate and her eyes were gorgeous ebony black. I looked at her in awe.

"I'm so sorry but may I hide behind the bench?" She asked, out of breath. I quickly modded my head and she hid behind the bench and literally, behind me, silently.

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