Waking up in the Carribean.....

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I felt way to hot, I mean I lived in LA where it was sunny nearly all the time, but this was different. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, then I remembered that me and Jake were on our honeymoon in the Carribean. I sat up in the bed, pulling the sheets up to cover my naked body and looked around the room properly, it was stunning. White marble floors and light brown wood pannels on the wall, it was the perfect place to get away with my husband. Who was no where to be seen, I grabbed one of Jake's shirts and did it up, effectively covering my naked body, and walked around the villa looking for him. I eventually found him lounging on a sun lounger in the private garden we had, I walked up next to him and laid with him.

He opened his eyes and rolled his head to face me, he kissed me softly and said "morning sleepy head." I laughed and said "yesterday and last night was amazing. Your very talented," I enlongated the word very for emphasis and I know he understood what I meant. We laid there for ages ust soaking up the sun and talking, until eventually I said "let's go explore, I'm sure we could go diving or something," Jake nodded and we got our stuff together to go diving. I was looking for my Black Veil bikini when I realised, it was still in the pool. So I just grabbed my other black bikini but it was just a normal black one, I walked back downstairs and to Jake who was waiting in the Jeep we had hired for the time we were here. I got inside and we drove to the diving place we had seen a brochure for in the lobby of the place we were staying.

When we got there it was suprisingly empty, we got out of the Jeep and walked up to the help desk. The man behind the desk stood up and said "how may I help you?" I smiled and said "we'd like to go diving please," after I said that the guy took us through all the safety and said he would get someone to take his place on the desk as he would need to come with us. He pointed us towards the changing rooms and me and Jake walked in and got changed as quickly as we could. I walked out in my black bikini and my hair tyed in a high pony and quickly threw my stuff into the Jeep's trunk along with Jake's stuff. Then we walked back over to the guy who led us over to the boat that would be taking us to the diving depth water, we got in and sat down and the guy started up the boat and drove into the clear blue ocean.

When we got to the diving depth water, the guy handed us our masks and showed us how to properly dive into the water. I wasn't really paying attention and when he was finished I dived into the water with Jake and it was fucking freezing. But it was so incredibly beautiful under the water, the coral and the little fish were amazing. We swam for what felt like hours, but we had only paid for an hour and a half. I had colected a shit ton of shells and colourful rocks, they were gonna decorate my desk at home for when I'm writing. We got back in the boat and drove back to land, once back on land we said bye to the guy and got in the Jeep and drove back to our villa to dry off and looked at what each of us had collected.

We got back, ran upstairs and dryed off and got changed, then sat outside under the umbrella and looked at what each other had got. I showed Jake all my shells and colourful rocks, and he shoed me how the only thing he got was an oyster shell. "Open it, I want you to be the one who opens it in case there's a pearl inside," Jake said and I tentatively picked it up and cracked it open. As soon as I opened it I gasped, inside there was the biggest fucking pearl I had ever seen. And it was also the most beautiful pearl I had ever seen, I took it out and just held it in my palm. "It's beautiful," I whispered, Jake moved and sat next to me.

"I knew the pearl was in this one, I got the guy to tell me before we dived which ones had pearls in," Jake said and before he could continue talking I had put the pearl down safely and had crushed my lips to his. "Thank you, it's beautiful," I said and we took all our stuff upstairs and put it all in our room. I put the pearl in my small lockbox so it was secure and safe. We went back downstairs and sat in the garden with a bottle of cool wine and watched the sun go down, it was amazing, way better than the sunsets in LA.

"You sure know how to plan a honeymoon," Jake said as he put his arm around me cause I shivered, "well, I thought we both deserved a nice getaway, I mean I just finished and published my 48th book and you just finished a grueling tour. We deserved this," I said as I snuggled into his side. I closed my eyes and just laid there with my amazing husband. We ordered room service and sat in the garden eating by candlelight, it was the perfect end to the perfect day. When we finished, we left our plates outside our front door and walked up to our room.

We changed into our pj's which for me was a vest top and shorts, and for Jake it was just his boxers. Every time I looked at Jake, and saw his beautiful eyes and the ring on his finger, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. We snuggled up in bed together and fell asleep to the sound of the waves gently crashing on the shore.


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