A Jake Pitts love story.....

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I'm Lucy Brown, and I'm an author. I write crime fiction, the stuff I write is pretty gruesome, so it's not really for everybody. I've recieved quite a few writers awards for my many books and have been on tv a few times with my books. No one big in the buisness takes me seriously cause I'm only 25 and I'm covered in tattoos.


I was driving to the book shop for my signing for my new book, it was called 'Murder By A Knife'. The title explains the general theme of the story. I got to the book store and there was very few people there, but that didn't really surprise me, I mean I wasn't that well known. I parked up and walked inside and to the table where there was a fucking huge poster of me holding my book, and a huge pile of my new book on the table with a pot of sharpies. I sat down and waited for someone to come up to me.

There were a few girls my age that came up to me and asked me to sign their copy so I did and then there was nothing for ages. That was until my best friend and her boyfriend walked in, and straight to me. I smiled when they got to me, "oh my god! Lucy Brown you are my most favourite author ever! Please sign my copy of your awesome book," Suzella said, clearly trying to get everyone else in the shop to hear and notice me.

I laughed and said "of course, I'm always happy to sign something for a fan." I signed her book and passed it back to her, she smiled said thanks then left with Mark. After she left no one came up to me, a few people looked at me, they looked almost intrested then they took in my tattoos and they walked on. I sat back in my chair, drinking the complimentary water the shop had left for me just daydreaming about going out tonight to celebrate my new book. Me, Suzella and Mark were going to try a new club we heard about on the outskirts of LA. We had moved to America four years ago, we all used to live near each other in London then decided we all wanted a change so we moved to LA so we could pursue our dream jobs.

Mine was to be an author, Suzella's was to be a famous guitar player and Mark was here to support his girlfriend. After about five more people had asked me to sign my book, I looked at the clock and saw it was five minutes till I was done here. So I started packing up my stuff, just as I was about to leave this really hot guy walked up to me.

"Hey, I just have to say I love your books, I think they're so well written and so enthralling. Once I pick one up I can't put it down, I have all your books and I've read them all over fifty times each," He said before he ran out of breath. The whole time he was talking I was so focused on his sleeve tattoos on both of his arms, his awesome longish black hair and his beautiful eyes. And how amazing his voice was. "Sure, name?" I asked so I could sign it with his name.

"Jake Pitts," he said smiling, I smiled and wrote on the first page 'To the awesome Jake Pitts, your awesome and I love you so much. From Lucy Brown x'. I passed him his book back and he said thanks about a million times, hugged me then left. The owner of the shop came up to me and said "thank you for coming today." I smiled said "thanks for having me," then picked up my stuff and walked out to my car. I drove home and as soon as I walked in the door and put my bag down, my phone dinged from inside my bag.

I picked out my phone and it was Suzella calling me,

S:Oh my god I saw a picture of you online and it said you have a new boyfriend, it was you two hugging at the book shot today
L:That wasn't a boyfriend it was a guy that wanted his book signed and a hug
S:Oh ok I just thought I'd ask, anyway are you meeting us at the club later?
L:You know it, I'm getting ready now and I'll see you there at nine
S:Ok see ya then

I hung up my phone and walked up to my bathroom to have a shower, I washed my hair with my black cherry shampoo and conditioner. I got out and dressed in my sweats and a vest top whilst I did my hair. I straightened it which took forever cause it was so long, when I had straightened it completely it reached my butt. I loved having long hair cause when you wanted to dramatically turn and storm out of a room, my hair hits people in the face. I moved onto make-up, I used my black mascara that extends your eyelashes ten times and some black eyeliner.

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