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Niall's POV:

"Niall Horan," I told the man at the front desk of the courthouse. I showed him my driver's license and ID; he nodded and gave me a key card, a lot like what you'd get at a hospital.

I checked the office number and, careful not to tip my boxes of files and supplies, went to the room number on the card. The mahogany door had a plaque on it with, you guessed it, my name.

The card was slid through the reader, and the green light on the device blinked. I noticed there was also a pager on it.

Checking behind me for no apparent reason, I found the desk lady on the 7th floor looking at me. Staring, really.

The lady -Miss Buffo, I read on her nameplate- smiled when she noticed I was looking, and winked.

I smiled back awkwardly and turned back to the door, retrieving the keycard and guiding it open with my side, closing it behind me with my foot.

I had to keep my mind off of the... baby. And it didn't help that the receptionist resembled Cara, even in the slightest. Her hair sat on her head the same perfect way, and the nose was kind of the same shape.

Was this fatherhood? That I found little things about my "mate" in every female, to the point I can't not think about my love, sitting at home, nursing my son or daughter inside the womb?

If this is fatherhood, it's frustrating. I don't know how millions of men can stand it. I guess the part that makes it the way it is is that I have a heart, unlike many.

I tried to take my mind off of my life outside of work by sorting my many files into the black filing cabinet behind the big, dark mahogany desk and expensive chair.

After I completed the somewhat long task of organizing those, I put away the supplies and realized the computer in the room didn't have a password taped to it.

The rest of my long first day at work consisted of me being set on a wild goose chase by many co-workers with no clue what I was talking about until I finally found the correct person to give me the login information.

Well, when I say the rest of my day, I mean before that asshole Chris came right up to my door and fucking paged me.

"Come in?" I called kinda nervously, considering it was my first day there and I never would've thought I'd already have a visitor.

I held back a growl as none other than Chris pushed his way into my office.

I stood up to hit him, even readied my fist, but to no avail as he grabbed it mid-air, licking his parched lips and twisting his lip ring a small bit before speaking.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." he said threateningly, a bitter smile smeared across his face, almost as a kindergartener would have peanut butter spread around it's mouth.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I snarled hushedly, not wanting to alert my coworkers.

"Mmm," he said with mock thoughtfulness. "I just thought you'd like to know that your precious Cara cheated on you."

"With who, exactly?" I said skeptically.

"Me, obviously, you dipshit."

"She would never do such a thing!" I rushed towards him and grabbed a large fistful of his tee, twisting it as I lifted him.

"No matter how tall you are, Chrissy, I will always be stronger."

My warning just made him smirk. At that, I tossed him towards the door, watching him stumble and lose that filthy smile he always bears.

"Hey, man, I just thought you'd wanna know how she was all over m-" He grunted when I kicked him.

"Get the fuck out of my office and never come here again," I said with no ounce of doubt, absolute certainty and no chance of compromise.

"Fine, dude," he spoke as he stalked out, taking his last shred of dignity with him.

"Oh, and Chris?" He stopped in his tracks and walked back in.

"What?" he spat.

"Cara's pregnant," I smirked to myself.

"What the fuck?" he murmured to himself. I could see his face getting red and I knew I'd made him angry. "How far along?" I could tell he was trying not to lose it.

"Two and a half weeks. After my party." Why did I tell him that?

He shut his eyes tight and growled deep in his chest, before blurting, "That's the same fucking night she kissed me!" His shouting scared me a small bit.

"Now that you know, you lying douche, get out." But I had a feeling he wasn't lying. My heart sped in my chest but I pushed it away. Cara loves me, she wouldn't.

"Fine, fucker." He sulked away, muttering curses as he went.

This was my territory, my home base. And I was not going to let him humiliate me.

Although I couldn't help but wonder if what he said was true, that Cara had cheated on me and kissed him.

No, Niall. Stop thinking like that. She would never.

Would she?


I came home from work that day, planning to confront Cara right away. Except I didn't.

Nervous tremors wracked through my skull and my hands trembled every time I tried to ask her.

She knew something was wrong; she had to. She knows me too well.

And finally, late that night, after we'd brushed our teeth, showered, and taken care of business, we were both about to settle to sleep when I blurted something that made her freeze, her eyes dilate, her breath catch in her throat with shock.

"Cara, did you cheat on me?"

There was a short silence.

"... It's true but it was just a kiss nothing else, I was drunk and didn't know what the fuck I was doing and i'm really sorry Niall-" she blurted out and my heart sank.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I sat up, my hands together.

"I didn't want to ruin anything. We're having a baby, living together and it was all going good..." She put her hand on my knee.

"No, don't touch me." I walked over to the kitchen and switched on the kettle to avoid het.

"Niall-" she walked over to me.

"Don't talk to me, alright? Go into the bedroom and leave me alone, i'm sleeping on the couch."

"Don't you wanna talk?"

"Talk? Talk about what? The fact that i've been completely faithful to you throughout this entire relationship, been there for you when Chris beat the shit out of you and you go and fucking kiss him?! I've been loving you through all of this! And this is how you treat me?! I feel betrayed, unloved and unappreciated."

She stood still, shocked by my outburst.

"You know what?" I took my promise ring off and threw it in the bin. "Fuck you" I pointed in her face. "Now leave me alone."

She walked into the bedroom and shut the door, quietly.

I sank sadly in the armchair, holding my tea. How could she?

I called Blake and asked if he wanted to go out. He was in agreement.

I threw my cup of tea into the sink and slammed the door behind me when I walked out. I took a taxi to the pub that Blake and I agreed to go.

"Alright, mate?" I gave him a hug and ordered a few shots along with four beers each.

"You okay? You only drink this much when something's wrong"

"Cara cheated on me with Chris. We'll talk about it tomorrow but right now I wanna enjoy myself." I drunk a glass of beer in one go and Blake done the same. "Gonna get so wasted" I said, gulping three shots.

"Who did she cheat on you with?" He asked, walking over to a table in the corner of the pub.

"Chris. Next time I see him, i'll kill 'em." I tried to forget about him and Cara and start drinking loads more.

Blakes POV:

Niall's drinking was out of control, he started fights with random people and I decided it was time to leave. He insisted on going to a strip club so I agreed, just to keep him happy.

He stumbled in and sat on a chair near the front of the stage. He gazed at the almost naked girls dancing. I strolled over to get a drink at the bar and looked back over at him, seeing a dancer giving him a lap dance. He was having the time of his life.

She then started touching him in inappropriate places and he was touching her and they start kissing.

I sat on the chair beside him, seeing the girl, grinding on him. I texted Jess on my phone to tell her i'll be staying at his apartment.

"Girls give him a lap dance" Niall pointed at me, laughing, sticking money in a girls underwear.

"No thanks" I laughed, trying to act polite and two girls came over to me. I was enjoying it, but I controlled myself and took a bathroom break.

When I walked back out I saw Niall shirtless on stage, dancing with the girls. 'Crazy motherfucker' I thought to myself, laughing. I better get him out of here before he goes home with one of the girls.

"Dude, get down" I ordered and he laughed as he made his way over to me.

We stayed there until three in the morning and as usual, I had to carry him home. I took the keys out of his back pocket and unlocked the door to his apartment.

I set him down on the couch and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

~ the next morning ~

Niall's POV:

I took tablets to get rid of my massive hangover and walked into the kitchen. I start making breakfast for me and Blake, Cara can make her own breakfast or 'the amazing Chris' can make her some. Hate him.

"Here is your breakfast, sir. Sausages and toast" I handed Blake his plate as he put his top on.

"I'm starving." He scoffed the food before I even touched mine.

I sat at the small kitchen table and was about to eat.

"What time is it?" I asked Blake and he checked his phone.

"Almost noon" he answered, putting his shoes on.

Almost noon? Cara's usually up before me, she hasn't come out of the room yet. 'She has to come out sometime.' I thought to myself, staring at the bedroom door. I grunted and stood up from the table.

I walked over to the kitchen and made scrambled eggs, two slices of toast, two sausages, beans and tea for Cara. She's probably starving.

I opened the bedroom door slightly and set the plate of food down on the dresser beside the bed. She was fast asleep. I shut the door as quietly as possible and sat down to eat my own breakfast.

"That was yummy in my tummy" Blake joked, putting his plate in the sink.

I laughed then focused my attention at the telly.

"You watching the match later at the pub with me?"

"Yeah I am. What time's it on at? Six in the afternoon?"

"Yes, why do you say 'six in the afternoon?' Why don't you just say 'six' like a normal person." I joked.

"YOLO!" He shouted and hushed himself when he remembered Cara was asleep.

"Alright, be there by half five in the afternoon" I teased him even further.

"Shut up."

We were interrupted by the bedroom door creaking open, seeing Cara walk out. I looked at the telly to avoid her and Blake sensed the awkwardness so he decided to leave.

She start doing the dishes and took my plate.

"Thanks..." She said, referring to me making her breakfast this morning.

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