Chapter 25

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(Axel's P.O.V)

"Who are you?" someone says.

I open my eyes. I try to move, but I can't. The bubble that swallowed me must restrict movement. I look to my left, where that voice came from, and see Parker. I look the my right and see Nick. Looks like he got my call. I look in front of myself, still in wolf form, and see an Emma who is not my wife.

It laughs. "You already know who I am Parker. In fact, you all do." what does she mean they all know who she is?

Nick and Parker exchange glances.

Emma? Where are you?

Nothing. No connection.

You're not go'n to get a hold of her. Aron says.

How would you know?

We're trapped inside a demonized shape shifter bubble. There will be no connection.

How do we get out?

Leave that to me, though I won't have to take control. He then goes to the back of my mind where he always is.

Anger is all that consumes me and I don't know what I'm angry for. My blood starts to boil, literally boil. I let out a snarl and growl.

That's when the bubble pops. I fall to the ground landing on my paws.

The demonized shape shifter stares at me. She's actually scared of me, sweet! I take that as my chance to wrap my jaw around her neck.

Cameron walks up with a silver pistol and presses it against the shape shifter's chest.

She starts squirming in my grip. "Please, you don't have to do this Cameron." she tries pulling at my snout, getting me to release her, but failing. "Please, don't!" she squeals. Her eyes growing wide as his face grows cold. "Cameron..."

He shakes his head in disbelief. "You lost your chance at freedom a long time ago Courtney. I have no more will in me to fix your messes anymore. You disgust me. Goodbye."

Tears ran down her face. The once form of Emma gone and her natural long blonde hair and black eyes shone. "No, please do-" 

He pulls the trigger and she goes limp in my jaw, not being able to convince him.

I let go of the still body and give the guys a nod. Where's Conner? A sudden pain hits my back and I yelp. The guys give me a concerning look, but I just shake my head.

Mom, Emma ain't in that hospital of yours by any chance? I ask fairly angry now.

Thank goodness! I thought somethin' bad happened to you. I'm in surgery right now, but are you alright?

Mom's worried? I make a run for it to the hospital.


Screaming is all I heard as I run down the hospital halls. My wolf form terrorizing some hospital staff. 

Conner appears further down the hall in bloody scrubs. Why is he in scrubs? As the distance grows shorter and shorter I come to a sudden stop.

I can smell Emma all over him. Where is she?!?

"Well, it's nice to see you made it out of that barn alright." his hands were sitting in front of him, palms facing inward.

Tell me where she is or I'll take that angel dagger you have 'n kill you with it. a low growl fills the room.

"That's not necessary, now is it Axel?"

A few gasps were heard around the hospital. I growl a little louder, baring teeth, at Conner for not telling me.

"Axel, enough!" mom yells from behind me.

Where is Emma? I turn my head slightly.

Dr. Shepard is at her door expecting you.

Thank you. I give a gentle nod and head to Dr. Shepard.


(Emma's P.O.V)

Axel's intoxicating scent fills my nose. It's stronger than usual. I open my eyes to see his giant furry head. Why did he have to come in here like that? I bet he scared a number of the hospital staff coming in like that.

I try to swallow, trying to relieve the tickle in the back of my throat. "Hi handsome." I manage to say as I give him a big smile.

He places his head on me, sitting down and wagging that tail of his.

I run my fingers through his furry head. "I'm glad you're okay."

I am too. he manages to say to me before there is a knock on the door.

"Axel, I brought you some clothes." Tre walks in with his clothes, boots in hand. "Abby is on her way with the kids."

"Thank you Tre." I smile as I push Axel's head off me and towards his clothes. "Go get dressed, I'll be fine."

He walks off with a nod and grabs his clothes. He pushes the bathroom door shut with his back left leg.

Tre fiddled with his hands, "So, how are you feelin'?"

"Like I could murder this hospital if I have to come here one last time." we laugh at my joke.

"So typical of you to say." Abby says with Mavis on her hip and Tyler holding one of her hands.

"Hey Buddy!" Axel says, coming out of the bathroom.

Tyler runs over to Axel and jumps up to give him a big hug. Axel looks over to me with a big smile on his face. 

There is nothing more that I want other than a happy family like this. Axel's happy father smile he always gives me. Tyler's love for learning who he is. Abby's incessant rants about my visits to the hospital. Tre and his brotherly devotion towards me. Mavis with her father's smile. 

I've wanted this all. A big, happy family in the end. No fighting off evil. Just peace on earth. They way it should have been all along. 

This is who I am. The last surviving pure Arctic werewolf. Left untouched to the rest of the world. I saved those who needed saving. I've done my job. It's what we Arctics were meant to do.

Being a rare and dying species is nothing compared to the love and devotion I show to this world.    

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