Chapter 4

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(Emma's P.O.V)

There's only two days left of summer. Dad used to tell me, "Em, life is short, so cherish what you have." anyways, I should probably take Willow out for a run. I speed down the five flights to get to the barn to make sure Tre didn't let the herd out. I arrive at the barn with the door wide open.

" in here?" I peek in cautiously.

"Em, that you?" a small, but deep voice questions my question.

"Yeah, by any chance-" I get cut off about mid sentence.

"Yes, I let the horses out. Why do you ask?" Tre cuts in knowing what I was going to ask.

"Okay, are you go'n to be home all day or do you have to work today?"

"No, I'll be home all day."

"Okay, well I'm go'n to take Willow on a ride," I state turning around.

"Just be careful while you're out there."

"Why? Did you spot people through the woods again?" turning around to face him. I gotta say, it scares me when there are strangers in my woods.

"No, but I did spot a pack of wolves last night on my way home. It's why I made sure the barns were all locked up. I secured the gates 'n got the cat 'n the dogs in the cabin too." he tells me.

"Okay, I'll have my phone on me if I spot them," I state walking away to get Willow.

I bring Willow to the barn to get her tack on and out we go. I know it's been at least an hour, but there is no sign of the wolves. Something tells me I shouldn't have thought that because all of a sudden Willow gets spooked and almost throws me off. I get out my phone after I get off Willow and tie her to a tree, I call Tre. My heart's racing as I wait for him to pick up his phone. He finally answers his phone on the third ring.

"Hey, somethin' up?" he questions a bit worried.

"Yeah, there's somethin' wrong!" I yell into my phone even more scared.

"What happened?" he's even more worried than before.

"Willow is be'n spooked, but I cain't get her to go anywhere!" I paused, afraid to tell him more, but caved at the nerving silence. "She almost got bucked off..." I quietly said into the phone.

"Where you at?" his voice was stern.

I briefly looked around, scanning the area for any familiar land mark. "I'm at the fallen oak near the river."

"Em, that's an hour away. Why are you out that far?" frustration screamed at me as he continued to interrogate me. 

"I was head'n to the house to pay a monthly bill."

"Well, I already did that." he fell silent in hopes to lighten the mood some. "Sorry I meant to tell you last night."

"It's okay. I just really need you to get over here cause it's scare'n me." I pleaded though the mobile I held against my ear. 

"Alright, I'll be there in an hour. Don't move."

"Okay, see you then," I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket.

Willow is still being spooked and it is scaring the heck out of me. I walk over to her and start singing "The Parting Glass" by The Wailin' Jennys-it's the song my mom used to sing to me at night-to calm her down. She eventually calms down, but is still scared, I can see it in her eyes.

"What's wrong girl?" I soothingly question. "There's nothin' out here," I state, staying on the positive side, but knowing there really is something out there.

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