Chapter 16

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(Emma's P.O.V)

So..the whole town knows I'm an Arctic. There goes my chance to hide from danger. Still, I'm quite surprised the doctors didn't notice the first time I been hospitalized.

A lot has gone by, little over ten months. Tyler's taken his first steps. And the whole town is really getting used to the fact that I'm an Arctic. Although, there have been a few incidences where some people have tried to harm me. Axel did stay true to his word about ripping them to shreds. I wasn't too happy with him when he did that. Let's just say, he paid his punishment sleeping on the couch in the living room for two weeks every time he ripped someone to shreds.

Nick and his crew of hunters have built twenty foot security gates and fences round the whole town. It's heavily guarded, so no one goes in or out without an ID. Makes it a whole lot safer for me to roam around in wolf form. Although, my life is still in danger cause word could have gotten out. Which could have spread throughout the world and rouges could have gotten their hands on the word. Mainly the reason for the fence.

After the fence had been completely built, I made an impenetrable bubble to secure the town even more. That's about when all remaining fear towards me went away. Then everyone begged to read The Book of Truth. Although, those who've read it can't leave Pony Fair because I can't let people with this kind of information, be sharing it with unreliable people.

When I go outside, I almost always have to have two angels by my side if I'm not with Axel or Tre. Conner, I know but the other one I'm not sure of. I think he's a friend of Conner's.


"Axel!" I yell from the other side of the cabin. "Wake Tyler, today is the day he learns to shift!"

"Ain't it kinda early to do that?" he said, yelling from the other end of the cabin.

"Not unless you want his mate to meet him 'n tell him what he is by plant'n a kiss!" I taunt, remembering the day Axel and I met.

I shut my book, uncross my legs as I set the book on the coffee table in front of me. Maksim meows weirdly out the big picture window. It really covers the whole wall, ceiling to floor and wall to wall. He continues to meow weirdly. Finally, I travel my eyes outside the window to where Maksim is looking.

I begin to laugh hysterically. "Kit, it's just a bird." I say in between laughs as I pick him up.

My two Great Danes, Jack and Maci, come running in from the hallway, playfully bitting at each other. Axel trails behind with Tyler in arms.

"Birds again?"

"Yeah, annoys me so much." I say getting lost in Axels eyes. "Conall!" I yell before Axel and I leave. Conall's paws clatter on the hardwood. "You're in charge of Jack and Maci 'till we get home."

"Where we go'n to take him?" Axel questions.

"Just outside the horse barn." I answer, further down the five flights of stairs. "Then we'll go in town for a stroll."

"Okay, who's shift'n first?"

"I will, now just stop ask'n questions. There's a closet with clothes in my office, but you might wanna take your boots off before you shift cause I ain't got any extras in there for you."


I set Tyler on the ground in front of Axel. I shift into my Arctic wolf. My face, legs, belly, and tail a dark red brown. The rest of my body white. My body covered in sapphire native markings from snout to tail and ears to toes. My ice helmet and shoulder guards still on. I believe they're built into my bones so I probably can't have them taken off.

Tyler looks at me confused. He looks like he's trying to figure out how I shifted. Axel looks at me a bit concerned.

"I don't think he gets it Em."

Bogus. I reply 

When Axel and I decided to have Tyler, we knew the possibilities of type he'd be. It's just a matter if Tyler's able to shift in the first place. One thing I don't like about Arctics is that we're the largest werewolves in the world.

The cracking of bones takes me out of my thoughts. Tyler's actually shifting! A mix?!? His fur tan with Aqua native markings. Soon after, Axel shifts into his black and emerald wolf.

Pretty remarkable I tell you. Axel says, nudging my leg with his snout.

I roll my eyes. Why wouldn't it be? I looked down at him, shaking my head. I'm never gonna get used to this height difference.

He huffs a breath of air. Nither will I.

We continue talking about why I have to be so tall and Tyler's wolf as we walk into town. Tyler occasionally stumbling from tripping over his own feet, taking over my clumsiness. Axel and I would take turns gently pushing him up with our snouts.    

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