The Book of Truth-Hunters

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There are two different kinds of hunters in the supernatural world. There are humans who hunt the supernatural being. The others, they're simply just called Hunters and they belong to a different dimension.


Those who know of the supernatural are harsh. Mostly the reason for why they are where they are is because of the supernatural. They are usually cold hearted and don't think twice. More, shoot first ask questions later. Although, there is a group of four hunters who don't necessarily fit this description. There names are Nick, Parker, Cameron, and Conner. In this group there is an angel, most are afraid to say his name because they don't want him to show up. A Were of any kind should not be afraid of them because Were's are the second thing in their list to protect.


These creatures belong to a dimension run by Queen Ivy. They are nasty nightmares that don't speak a lick of English. They are controlled by Queen Ivy and only her. One thing about them is that they live up to their title to the fullest and are extremely hard to kill.

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