Chapter 10

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(Emma's P.O.V)

I wake up to the sound of my right arm smacking the head board. I grip my arm in pain. I must have woke Axel up because he is looking at me a bit worried. Ga, I wish this cast would just come off. I peck his lips and get out of bed. I walk into my closet and grab a pair of jeans.

"Axel," I walk out putting my pants on. "I'm gonna make breakfast so you and Tre need to do your chores before you eat." I walk out shutting the door behind me.

I walk into the kitchen seeing coffee already made. I rub my face a bit relieved. Who made coffee?

"I did." a husky voice says sternly across the room.

I turn to see my dad sitting in a chair. Wait, did I say that out loud? I guess I did. Dad is holding a cup of coffee in his hands as he looks at me. He looks back at Tre and Abby to continue their conversation. I run my hand through my hair as I sigh in frustration.

"Tre, when you finish that cup, you need to let the cows out. You ain't have'n breakfast if you don't get your chores done." I furrow my eyebrows a bit irritated with him.

Abby laughs at him. "You get to deal with cows today!" she points with a singing chant.

"Shut up, it ain't my fault they don't like Axel." Tre says getting up from his seat.

I start to make pancakes as he walks out. Tre just needs to man up and not be a sissy sometimes. Be more like an alpha. I plop some pancakes on a plate and put more batter on the pan. I smack someone's hand as it reaches the pancakes.

"Ow!" a familiar voice yells in pain.

"If you eat before you take care of the horses and your other chores, I'll make you take care of the cows tonight on top of your chores." I state as I turn to face Axel.

He places his lips to mine as he grabs a pancake. He pulls away, taking a bite out of the pancake in front of me. I shake my head in frustration. I continue to make breakfast as he heads to the barn.

I take the plates of pancakes and set them on the table as the boys walk in. I take the other three and place them on the coffee table. Abby grabs the one closest to her as dad does the same.

"Em, there have been reports of strangers at the town borders." dad mentions as I lean into the couch.

"Could they be rouges?" Abby questions, not familiar with the news.

"No, the smell was different. They said it might be hunters."

"Dad, they're not the kind I'm think'n of right?"

"People Em, people. We just need to keep our eyes peeled and no wander'n the woods alone."

I wonder who the hunters might be. Could it be hunters just passing through or hunters who want to kill us. I'm not sure, I'll just stay on the positive side and say they're just passing through.

A growl takes my attention from the conversation. Conall walks in angrily as a wolf can be. Savana just trots behind with her head down. Those two don't know how to stay off each other's nerves.

A knock sounds at the door. I look to Axel and Tre to see if they were expecting company, they just shrug their shoulders. I get out of my seat and walk to the door. As soon as I open the door, I panic and slam it shut. I put my back to the door scared. Shoot, I might have given ourselves up.

A knock sounds at the door again. "Open up Emma, we just need to talk." a deep husky voice says.

My face turns a deep red at the recognition of his voice. I take slow deep breaths as I'm being curiously stared at. I open the door to four people standing in front of me.

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