Chapter 1

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(Emma's P.O.V)

I roll over in my bed, taking in a big yawn. My eyelids flutter open as the morning sun peeks through my window behind the headboard of my bed. Already sitting up in my bed with my blankets a mess, I take a look around my room. Walking to my closet to change, I hear a small voice calling for me, but can't make out the words.

"Emma!" my mom finally yells. "Get your butt down here, now!"

Throwing some sweatpants on and a sweatshirt, I turn too fast to notice. "Ow!" rubbing my hands over my face to help sooth the pain from hitting the wall. "I'm come'n mom!" I yell checking my face in the mirror for red marks. Man, I don't understand why I had to hit the wall, at least it's the weekend though. If it was the school week I probably would have begged to stay home. Slowly making my way to the door, I quickly grab my book to read to Willow.

Grabbing the cold doorknob, mom calls again, "Emma, your father 'n I need to talk to you, now!"

Ga, why does mom have to yell at me all of the sudden? Just because I'm ten and wanting to take my own sweet time like a normal child should do. She never yells at me. Ever. I run down the stairs meeting mom and dad at the bottom.

"Yes?" questioning moms expression.

Dad beats mom to what she was going to say. "We're go'n on vacation for a week."

"Will I be go'n too?" questioning dad, cheekily.

"No," mom lets out a sigh, "I'm afraid not, Pumpkin."

Tears start to cloud my eyes. Choking on a sob, I look at the luggage I'm now walking towards. They're not leaving for a week. I scream inside my head with frustration, but hot tears are streaming down my face like a waterfall instead. They packed way too much to be gone for a week. This can't be happening. What did I do to them to not love me anymore? Did I miss hear what dad said? Why ain't I going? So many questions run through my head. I wiped away any stray tears before I spoke. "You're never come'n back home, ain't you?" I don't look at my parents, just stay on my knees with my head down in front of their stuff. Tears start to perpetrate my visibility again at the thought of never seeing mom and dad again.

Mom just smiled, bending over to my height. How can she be smiling right now? This ain't like my mom. She opens her mouth to say something, but releases a breath instead.

"How can you say somethin' like that Emma? But never mind that." she dismisses the questions with a wave of her hand. "Your dad already called Clary to come 'n babysit you while we're gone, okay?" she still kept that smile and it was starting to scare me. Mom was almost about to laugh too, which didn't make me feel any better.

Wincing to the pain from my headache I received from hitting the wall earlier, I look at mom very concerned with my tear stained face, "Okay..." I look back down still on my knees with a frown.

Mom's rich voice starts to speak again. "Sweetie," she lets out a content sigh. "Why don't we take you to your room? You look awfully tired. Clary will be here at five sharp." mom states. I don't like how she has to have someone arrive at whatever time sharp. That means they need to be here early or on time, but late, YOU'RE FIRED!

Dragging my feet down the hall, I stare at a family photo. I grip the handle turning it, but walk right into the door with a thunk and dropping the book. Geez, I really need to stop running into things. This time I actually open my door, after picking up my book, while my parents were still behind me.

Dad walks in and takes a seat on the edge of my bed. "Em, come here," he pats a spot next to him. "Why don't you take a nap 'till Clary gets here."

"Okay, dad." I make my way towards him after placing the book on the dresser.

Dad got off my bed and walked towards the door where mom is leaning against the frame. Why do they have to do this to me now? I quickly jump out of bed and gave them both a big hug. I've gotta say I am a daddy's little girl, so I give dad the last hug, but also say, "I love you," looking up to him with my chin on his chest. I hate being so emotional. Tears roll down my cheeks. Dad just takes his massive hands to my face and wipes the tears with his thumbs.

He chuckles as I still have my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. "I love you too, Em." he picks me up and takes me to my bed.

As I'm closing my eyes, mom and dad walk out of the room.

(Jake's P.O.V)


My wife turns around, "Yes honey?"

"Never mind, just get the things in the car." I can't believe I agreed to leaving Emma here on her own. I know that all Alyssa wants is for Emma to be safe. Though, she could have been less cruel about abandoning her.


"Jake!" Alyssa yells for me.


"I think it's 'bout time we start over with our life." she says fiddling with her hair like every time she does when she's nervous.

"Excuse me? What are you try'n to say?" I question, stopping what I was doing and sat down on a stool.

"Pack everythin' up 'n leave. No Emma. Leave her here with her horse 'n go. We can go to Orlando to start a new life with new kids. And get away from the packs here for a bit." she says gripping my shoulders and leaning closer to me. "For her own protection?"

Is she asking me to abandon my own daughter for her own protection? Why, I thought she loved Emma. I repeated my thoughts, "Are you ask'n me to abandon our daughter? Why?" questioning Alyssa as I pull away from her.

"Yes I am Jake, she's smart. You taught her how to survive on her own 'n she'll have the whole place to herself. We have the woods for her to take Willow through!"

"Alright, fine. We leave tomorrow!" I already regret my decision, but what's said is said.


Okay, I have things set for Emma by time she wakes up. She knows what to do from here. I hear a honk so I leave quickly, leaving the spare key on the counter by the large amount of money I left for her.

(Emma's P.O.V)

I fall on the floor from turning in my bed. "OW!" I scream with my face in the floor. I get up to see the clock and it's past five so Clary should be down stairs. I run down the stairs into the room that held my parent's bags. Huh, that's odd. The house is abnormally quiet, almost too quiet.

"Clary, you here?" I yell throughout the house breaking the silence. I'm met with nothing, but more silence. Oh. My. Word. Mom and dad lied to me. I fall to the ground, eyes clouding up with tears.

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