Chapter 13

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(Unknown P.O.V)

The sound of the heavy prison door creeks through the room. Prison guards carry in a large being. They gently place it on the ground.

One of the ugly things stops and looks at me. "Ingen store ideer." it says before it leaves.

"Jeg bryr meg ikke om hva du sier du stykke avskum!" I yell back at it.

It stops dead in it's tracks. "Bare holde et øye på ulv og ikke gjør noe for å lage bråk."

I didn't bother to answer it back. I just made my way to the precious creature laying on the cold hard ground. The door opens again, but this time, a clean pair of clothes are thrown in.

"Klærne er ikke for deg, de er for henne." was all the thing said before leaving me with the big wolf.

Why would a wolf need clothes? After the door shut, something nudges my shoulder. I just gave her the clothes with a confused expression.

My stomach begins to get queasy to the cracking and popping of bones. That's when I realize she's not of this world. The strange girl comes out from the shadows, holding her fairly large belly.

She walks closer to me and sticks out a hand. "I'm sorry I couldn't formally introduce myself. Name's Emma, Emma Parker."

I take Emma's hand and look at her strangely. "You're not from here I presume. You've got an accent, I can't recognize it." I say deeply.

"No, I was kidnapped by Hunters." she shutters at the last word.

At first, I didn't realize she was talking about the Hunters. The horrifying puppets. The Evil Queen's most lethal weapon. Highly impossible to kill without out a gold stake or a very powerful being from what I've heard, mostly why I'm stuck in this pit. Why would they kidnap Emma?

"Emma, if you don't mind me asking, I'd like to ask you a couple questions."

"Sure, ask away!" she sat on a bed opposite of mine.

"If you're not from here, then what are you?"

"Well, I have the blood of a werewolf although I'm-"

Her eyes turn white interrupting her answer. I furrow my brows confused.


It's been about two to three hours since Emma's eyes turned white. I've got my back faced to her. Looking at the carvings in the wall that counted the days I've been held here. Something cold runs down my bare back. Memories of years of torture runs through my head.

"Who did this to you?" Emma's voice soft, but hurt.

"I don't want to talk about it." I push angrily, remembering that I had no shirt to cover my scars. It had been ripped to shreds after all the beatings. I never got a new one after that.

She hummed at my answer, it's as if she knew what I didn't want to talk about. I shut my eyes trying not to cry, swallowing the lump in my throat. The mattress of my bed moves as Emma takes a seat next to me.

She lifts up a leg of her jeans, exposing from her knee down, a fading scar of a Hunter's bite. "Queen Ivy's Hunter Warriors did this to me couple years back, they also broke my arm and tore through one of my shoulders." she shutters at the words again. "Anyways, you never told me your name. If you want to know what I am, I need to be able to trust you. Even though I know how you got those scars ain't go'n to do a thing till you tell me who you are."

Her voice is soothing. I wonder if she's the girl everyone in the Safe Haven have been talking about. She grabs her stomach for the twentieth time since she arrived. "Are you hurt? You keep grabbing your stomach like it hurts."

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