Chapter 5

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(Emma's P.O.V)

It's the middle of the day at school. To be honest, I'm enjoying my day here. Nothing bad has happened...yet. All the teachers these first three hours have been really nice to me. Although, these school halls are very nice, but the floor is...well...a bit muddy. That's to be expected though.

My phone starts to buzz as I walk to my next class. I dig through my purse as I continue to walk down the hall. I grab my phone and see who's calling. Gosh, it's just Tre. I thought I told him not to call me during the school day. I ignore his call and put my phone back in my purse.

In the middle of putting my phone away, I hit something hard. With my luck, it could have been a door or a wall. My phone somehow goes flying to the floor as I start to tumble. "Ow, why in gods name do I have to be such a klutz?" I tell myself grabbing my pain filled head.

"Shoot, you okay?" a deep, but sweet voice asks me.

I look up at the person with the deep, but sweet voice, "Yes, I'm fine." I state with my eyes locked on his.

"Do you need any help?" the strange guy I ran into kindly asks with his eyes still locked on mine.

"Uh, yeah," I say blushing a bit.

"Here," he held out his hand.

I simply take his hand that is so soft that it wants to make me melt. Wait why is there sparks shooting up my spine? It feels so nice and warm. I can't be thinking this! I mentally smack myself in my head. I don't even know his name.

"Sorry 'bout that, I'm Axel."

"Nice to meet you Axel, I'm Emma," I say blushing a bit. Something seems strange about him, his eyes seem to be filled with wonder and amazement, but I'm not sure why. Did he feel the sparks too?

"That's a lovely name. Where you headed?" he asks, handing me my phone. He looked at the screen, inspecting it for cracks, but there were none.

I grab my phone and put it away before it takes another fall. "," I stutter. I stand there and think for a moment. "Literature with Mr. Shards," I answer as my face gets hot to the point where I can feel the heat come off my face. Why does this boy do this to me? It's like some kind of trance or love spell.

"Awesome, I am too. You mind if I walk with you?"

"Not at all."

I walk forward keeping my head down. Honestly, I want to avoid him as much as possible, but I feel like I can't. When I look into his eyes, I see kindness and care, almost like he loves me. Kinda like that saying 'love at first sight'.

He rushes up to my side and sighs very dramatically. He takes a look at me and looks back down.

I stop and turn to face Axel. "Hey, you alright?"

He rubs the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah, I'm okay. Are you?"

"You know what?" I paused a bit, about to tell him that I'm madly in love with him. Although I can't, it's weird. "Let's meet in the lobby after school. I'll take you to my place so we can talk more." why did I just say that? I hate myself, inviting strangers to my cabin the first day I meet them. I hope Tre won't mind.

"Sure, that'd be great!" Axel happily says.

I walk into the class and take a seat in front. Axel takes a seat behind me just as the bell rings.


The bell rings for the end of the day and I pack my bag before exiting the classroom. As soon as my backpack is on, I rush out of my Calculus class. It's a good thing my class is right by the lobby. I lean against a beam and it seems like there is no sign of Axel. When I'm not around him I just don't feel safe and it makes me sad. It's like, I don't know, it's more like those werewolf stories, I occasionally read, where you are paired with someone as your mate. This is reality though so it can't happen.

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