Chapter 15

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(Axel's P.O.V)

"Aah!" a scream comes from the woods.

I stand up from the desk I happen to be sitting at. When did I get here? I open the slider as I push out that thought and walk out onto the deck. A girl in red, maybe strawberry red hair with blond highlights, runs through the trees. Something follows behind her, chasing her maybe.

The girl trips on a log. "Help! Somebody help me!" she begins to cry for help.

I put both hands behind my head, enfolding my fingers in my black hair. I don't know if I should go help her. I am the Alpha of my pack so I kinda have a responsibility. I continue to pace the deck. Something under the deck catches my eye. I make a jump for it, shifting on my way to the ground, but I can't shift.

"What the heck!" I yell confused. I near the ground when something stops me.

An ice shield? The girl with red hair stands in front of me. I jump in my own skin from her scaring me.

"Y-Y-You co-co-could ha-ha-have sa-a-aved m-m-me!" her body flashes on and off like a ghost.

A knife appears in her hand. My brown eyes go wide in fear. She makes a move to stab me.


I sit straight up from the hospital sofa I was sleeping on. Sweat beads rolling down my face. My breathing heavy.

"Everything alright?" Dr. Shepard questions as he walks in.

I nod. "Just a bad dream Doc."

He smiles at me with a slight nod. Dr. Shepard walks past me. He takes a look at Emma's charts.

I get a grip, pushing the nightmare to the back of my mind. "She 'n the baby alright?"

He gives a simple nod. "I just cleared him this morning so you can go see him if you'd like." he turns around with the charts clenched to his chest. He takes in a breath. "Emma will be able to see him when she wakes. Emma is also suitable for holding him sense there is no signs of weakness in her arms. Her state of shock has cleared thanks to you. If you hadn't shown up when you did, you probably would have lost them both."

The thought of getting there any later made my stomach churn.

"I can hear you, you know." Emma states with a straight face, but you can tell she's trying to hold back her smile. "Bring my boy here, we've gotta give him a name." that smile broke the straightness as she begins to laugh.

Dr. Shepard exits the room with a nod.

I look over to a still laughing Emma. A smile spreads across my face, pushing all thoughts of losing her away. Her laugh is so cute, well more beautiful than cute. It brings a sparkle to her brilliant blue eyes.

Emma's bright face drops. I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong, Em?"

"You think my blue eyes are brilliant?" it brightens back up.

"Yes and don't scare me like that." I gently hit her shoulder.

"Ow." she grabs it.

My face fills with worry. "Oh my word, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." I scrambled for words.

She starts laughing. "I was only kiddin' with you Axel."

"Not funny Em. You really had me goin' there."

"I know, I just love watchin' you squirm with worry." she smiles.

I shake my head as I chuckle. "What am I supposed to do with you?"

Tiny voices, voices you would make to, wait! I get off the gurney and run to the door. Sure enough, Dr. Shepard is talking to our son.

I walk away from the door to let Dr. Shepard in. "Looks like you, Em." I mention with a smile spread across my face.

"Just wait, next kid we have will look like you." I gulp nervously at Emma's taunt. "It'll have black hair and brown eyes."

"Alright then, shall we pick a name for him?" I say, trying to change the subject.

"We should name him after your father. He left this world fight'n for the town." she states.

My heart warmed up when she said that. "Tyler Lee it is then!"

She nods and places a kiss on his forehead, sealing the bond between us and the three packs.

A knock sounds at the door. I look away from Tyler and my eyes meet my mom. Her peeking through the doorway. I let out a soft chuckle. Her smile never comes, it just stays straight.

"Em, I'll be right back." I place a hand on her thigh. "I'm gonna talk to my mom for a minute." she nods as I get up from my seat and walk to the door. "What is it mom?"

"Dr. Shepard noticed somethin' on Emma's chart." a look of concern spreads across her face. "Her DNA and brain activity ain't like other werewolves. Dr. Shepard said that most of her blood has ice in it."

I froze right then and there. The only people who know what Emma is, is me, her family, Tre, Abby, maybe Amber, Nick, Cameron, Conner, Parker, and Loiyd. Oh, and Adam as well. We all decided to not tell anyone that she's an Arctic because her kind is heavily hunted. Arctics are seen as a threat to the world.

"Well?" mom questions. "Do you have a clue as to why that is?" she begins to grow eager, picking at my thoughts.

I blink a few times, trying to think of something to say. In the distance, Loiyd comes into view. I clench my fists and my jaw tightens. A loud and deep growl erupts from my chest as I begin to grow defensive over Emma. I promised to protect her. That's not going to change.

"Noo..." mom wanders as she figures out the whole ice thing. "They were said to be extinct." she begins to whisper.

I keep a stance in front of the closed door. Everyone on the floor looking at me in fear. Not wanting to get any closer than they were.

I look at mom, "If anyone lands a finger on her or Tyler meanin' harm, I'll rip them to shreds."

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