Chapter 3

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(Emma's P.O.V)

Well, it's been five years now and mom and dad haven't shown up. I pet the cat that sits in my lap. I can't believe I'll turn fifteen in a couple of days which reminds me, I need to go sign up to go to school since I haven't been to school for four years. My cousin didn't want me to finish elementary school and didn't want me to go to middle school. So, he's been teaching me the stuff that he's been learning. But we made a deal that I can go back to school when I'm fifteen.

I take my cat Maksim, a brown tabby, in my arms and walk to the kitchen. I've gotta say, it does get pretty lonely here when you're by yourself for five years and your cousin, that happens live with you, works and goes to school most of the time. I gently set Maksim in front of his dishes that sit next to the fridge. I walk to my room and get dressed so I can go register for school. I throw on a pair of jeans, brown leather belt, brown tank, teal and white plaid shirt, and my cowboy boots. I rush to the bathroom and put my hair in a french braid and quickly put my make-up on and my hat. I really need to hurry, today is the last day for sign-ups and end at 6:00pm. As I walk out the cabin to the barn, I debate on which horse I ride. I get in the barn and only see Willow. Why her, everyone here in town knows my horse.


The muscles in Willow's shoulders vibrated against my legs as her hooves came in contact with the soft dirt road. It had always been a lot easier to ride her bareback. The way she would respond to my every command puts me at ease, especially when I have places I need to be. Willow never really liked the saddle in the first place, I'm just lucky enough that she lets me use the bridle without a fight.

"Come on Willow!" I shout as I gently kick her sides to get her moving a little faster.

We make it to the barn where horses go when you're not currently riding them. This town isn't much for vehicles in all honesty. Alright, now that Willow is in the stable, I can get to the school. I start to run until I run into what seems to be two girls.

"Ow, cain't you see where you're go'n?" I say while I'm on the ground.

"Sorry 'bout that," the blonde apologizes. "Do you need any help?"

"No, I'm fine." I say as I pick up my hat that was now on the ground.

"You don't look like it," the brunette states. She holds out a hand and I take it. She pulls me off the ground with a slight smile.

"Thanks, I'm Emma, Emma Parker," I say, brushing the dust off my pants after putting my hat back on.

"The Emma Parker, the daughter of the two richest people in town?" the blonde states with excitement.

"Was, 'n your names?" they don't need to know about my family drama.

"Oh, Abby Helder 'n this is Amber James," the blonde says introducing both of them. "You go'n to the high school?"

"Uh, yeah. I need to register," replying to Abby.

Why am I talking to these people? I barely know them, but it sure seems like they know me though. I'm also letting them help me. I think I can figure out how to do stuff on my own.

I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I have to for my own good, "Thanks to the both of you for your help, it means a lot."

I follow slightly behind the both of them to the office. I hear a chuckle in front of me. "So, what grade you go'n in?" Amber questions still laughing.

"I'll be a Freshmen," I state clicking my boots on the concrete. The same one two rhythm that Tre does.

"Great, we are too!"

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