Chapter 107: The Bitch's Son

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Chapter 107: The Bitch's Son

Sinbad could have orchestrated the attack to music. In fact, as The Princess tackled the FFCCGC Leviathan, he was humming the Star Wars theme. It was so easy. Fantasian vessels were equipped for long-range combat. So, Sinbad turned right around and challenged the warship for a short range fight. The maneuver was fondly known as Operation IYFB (In Yo Face Bro).

It never failed. Never.

Crack! The bowsprits kissed. Sinbad's pirates showered The FFCCGC Leviathan with wire cables, mooring the ships together. The rest was pretty much routine. The Fantasian sailors cursed without actually swearing, and pulled shiny pistols from their perfectly pressed uniforms. Then came the shouting, the barking, the tactics, the formations, the disabling of enemy cannons, the manning of torpedoes, the yatta, yatta, yatta.

Typical. Basic. Boring.

Sinbad rolled his neck. Time for his two favorite words.

"Guys." Sinbad waved lazily across the helm. "Have fun."

Marina jumped over a cable as it zipped through the hawsehole, straining to hold the Fantasian warship. "No prisoners? Kill them all?"

Sinbad contemplated. He was in a sour mood. A few slit throats would do wonders for his confidence (not to mention his virility. His manhood had taken a beating of late. Literally.). However, after a sidelong glance at his cabin and thinking of Sarah inside –

"Eh." Sinbad reconsidered. "Fantasians have had a rough couple days. No killing. But I'm cool with anything else."

Marina planted a boot on the bulwark. "So sink and brig?"

Sinbad verified. "Sink and brig, baby."

            "What the hell?"

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"What the hell?"

Jim lowered Morph. The FFCCGC Leviathan's "correctional unit" was essentially a cage, within a cage, within a cage, within a security-code lock. Jim had muscled through the first cage, and was using Morph (shaped like a crowbar) to break through the second when he heard the cannon.

"The hell?"

A second cannon ball hit. Jim traced the vibration across the ceiling, down the wall, through the metal grates surrounding his cell –

"Jim!" John Smith crashed into the correctional unit as the FFCCGC Leviathan tipped. "Jim, we're being boarded! Sinbad – "

The hull split. Metal encasings puckered from the wall, their edges melting under cannon fire. The ocean gushed inside as John Smith lunged for Jim's cell. But the instant Jim blinked, water had filled over his head. Underwater, Jim heard mechanical croaking and clunking as the ship's engines died. With a final angry growl, Captain Eric's warship capsized and sunk.

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